



Hindi Name


Last Updated

4th Oct, 2021

Present Head

Rao Luv Kumar Singh Ji, present head of Bambori.
  • Kunwar Yash Kumar Singh
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The state was founded in 1509 by Rao Karam Chand Singhji, when he migrated from Shrinagar near Kishangarh. The estate is a 2nd Class Jagir of Mewar and a major jagir of the Mephawat Panwar clan. The ancestors of the Bambori family were descendants of Shrinagar State in district Ajmer, which was previously an Istimrari in Ajmer Pargana, ruled by Mephawat clan, a highly respected clan of the Parmar Rajputs of Rajasthan. In the 16th century, the Mephawat Panwar rajputs of Shrinagar migrated Bambori in Mewar, Jhadol in Kishangarh, as well as Bakhatgarh, Shamgarh and Bhensola in Malwa. They all share an agnatic family connection to each other. The ancestors of the Bambori family have served in prestigious posts in Mewar State.

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  • Rao Karam Singh Ji
  • Rao Roop Singh Ji
    • Kalyan Kunwar, married before 1775 to Raja BHIM Singh I of Banera in Udaipur State as his first wife.
    • Rao Mukan Singh (qv)
    • Thakur Mokam Singh
    • Raja Rughnath Singh (Ramsar later Jhadol) first patrimony division of Bambori, married and had issues.
      • Raja Sadaram Ji of Jhadol, Kishangarh.
      • Rani Rupalde, married Maharaja Gaj Singh l, 14th Maharaja of Bikaner.
      • Jetoji (Jaitsi Ji), famous saint and poet in Vrindavan.
  • Rao Mukan Singh Ji
  • Rao Chandra Singh Ji
  • Rao Maldev Singh Ji
  • Rao Padam Singh Ji
  • Rao Dalel Singh Ji
  • Rao Jodh Singh Ji
  • Rao Sohan Singh Ji
  • Rao Sangram Singh Ji
  • Rao Hamir Singh Ji
  • Rao Jay Singh Ji
  • Rao Tez Singh Ji
  • Rao Shambhu Singh Ji
  • Rao Lokendra Singh Ji
  • Rao Luv Kumar Singh Ji (see above)
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