Present Head

- Maharajkumari Rajyashree Manjari Devi, born in Calcutta, married 10th December 2009 in Bhubaneshwar, Maharajkumar Jai Singh, second son of HH Raja Narendra Singh, Raja Saheb of Jhabua.
- Maharajkumari Mrinalika Manjari Devi, born in Calcutta, educated at United World College of South East Asia, UVA. Currently (2013) she lives at Charlottesville, Virginia.
- Maharajkumari Akshita Manjari Devi, born in Calcutta.
Mayurbhanj was a native state in the present-day Indian state of Orissa (Odisha) having area of 4243 square miles. Mayurbhanj was the largest in area and the most populous of the 24 Garjhat States of Orissa and the family cognizance is the sacred peacock with tail spread.
The state was founded before 1700. Rulers were...
- Raja SAVESHWARA BHANJ, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1688/1711
- Raja VIRAVIKRAMADITYA BHANJ, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1711/1728
- Raja RAGHUNATH BHANJ, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1728/1750
- Raja CHAKRADHAR BHANJ, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1750/1761, second son of the Raja of Keonjhar, married and had issue
- Raja Damodar Bhanj (qv)
- Raja DAMODAR BHANJ, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1761/1796 , married 1stly, Rani Sumitra Devi, married 2ndly, Rani Jamuna Devi, daughter of Raja Abhiram Singh of Seraikella. He died spm. Rani Sumitra Devi, Regent of Mayurbhanj 1796/1810, married (as his first wife), Raja Damodar Bhanj (see above). She died sp. Rani Jamuna Devi, Regent of Mayurbhanj 1810/1813, married (as his second wife), Raja Damodar Bhanj (see above), and had issue, two sons who died young.
- Raja TRIBIKRAM BHANJ, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1813/1822, son of Raja Pratap Balbhadra Bhanj of Keonjhar, he succeeded by adoption, married and had issue. He died .
- Maharaja Jadunath Bhanj Deo (qv)
- Maharaja JADUNATH BHANJ DEO, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1822/1863, granted the title of Maharaja for personal use only, married and had issue. He died .
- Raja Shrinath Bhanj Deo (qv)
- Rajkumar Sitanath Bhanj Deo, married and had issue.
- Maharaja Krishna Chandra Bhanj Deo (qv)
- Chotrai Sahib Brindabhan Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and had issue.
- Kumari (name unknown) (elder daughter), married 1894, Raja Sahib Mehrban-i-Dostan Sri Harihara Marda Raja Deo Bahadur of Khallikote and Atagada.
- Kumari (name unknown) (younger daughter), married 1895, Raja Sahib Mehrban-i-Dostan Sri Harihara Marda Raja Deo Bahadur of Khallikote and Atagada.
- Rautrai Saheb Gokul Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and had issue.
- Lalsaheb Girish Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and had issue, two sons and three daughters.
- Lalsaheb Nalin Chandra Bhanj Deo, M.L.A. (Orissa) 1957/1961; married Lalsaheba Akshaya Kumari Devi, daughter of Rajkumar Padmalochan Deb of Bamra, and had issue, two sons and one daughter. He died .
- Lalsaheb Nirmal Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and had issue.
- Lalsaheb Purnendu Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and has issue.
- Lalsaheb Kamakshya Prasad Bhanj Deo
- Lalsaheb Chandra Sekhar Prasad Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Sharada Manjari Devi
- Lalsaheb Divyendu Chandra Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Swarna Manjari Devi
- Lalsaheb Purnendu Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and has issue.
- Lalsaheb Bimal Chandra Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Bhabamohini Manjari Devi
- Lalsaheb Nirmal Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and had issue.
- Lalsaheb Nabin Chandra Bhanj Deo
- Rani Binode Manjuri Dev, married (as his first wife), Raja Narasingha Malla Ugal Sanda Deb of Jhargram, and had issue. She died .
- Lalsaheb Nalin Chandra Bhanj Deo, M.L.A. (Orissa) 1957/1961; married Lalsaheba Akshaya Kumari Devi, daughter of Rajkumar Padmalochan Deb of Bamra, and had issue, two sons and one daughter. He died .
- Lalsaheb Sirish Chandra Bhanj Deo
- Lalsaheb Girish Chandra Bhanj Deo, married and had issue, two sons and three daughters.
- Rajkumar Dwarkanath Bhanj Deo
- Raja SHRINATH BHANJ DEO, Raja of Mayurbhanj 1863/1868, died .
- Maharaja KRISHNA CHANDRA BHANJ DEO, Maharaja of Mayurbhanj 1868/1882, born , Raja (Hereditary) [cr.21.5.1874]; Maharaja [cr.1877], married and had issue, three sons and four daughters. He died .
- HH Maharaja Shri Sriram Chandra Bhanj Deo (qv)
- Raja Shyam Chandra Mardraj Harichandan, adopted by the Raja of Nilgiri in 1882.
- Routrai Saheb Shridam Chandra Bhanj Deo, born circa 1879, married Routrai Saheba Ramesh Priya Devi, daughter of Kumar Devi Dutt Singh of Nuagarh in Seraikella (and great grand daughter of Raja Ajamber Singh of Seraikella), and had issue. He died .
- Lal Sahib Prafulla Chandra Bhanj Deo, born , M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.A.I., F.R.A.S.; Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, for two terms: 1952-1954 / 1954-1960, Member Committee of Parliament on Official Language 1957; married 1stly, 1927, Rani Prafulla Kumari Devi, daughter and heir of Raja Rudra Pratap Deo of Bastar, and his first wife, Rani Kusumlata Devi, married 2ndly, 1938, Lal Saheba Tilottama Devi, born , died , and had issue, seven sons and four daughters. He died .
- Rajkumari Kamla Devi (by Rani Prafulla Kumari Devi), born , married in Bijwa U.P. She died .
- Maharaja Pravir Chandra Bhanj Deo (by Rani Prafulla Kumari Devi) (see Bastar)
- Rani Saheba Geeta Kumari Devi (by Rani Prafulla Kumari Devi), born , married Raja Saheb Kadamba Keshari Chandra Deo, Raja Saheb of Bonai, and has issue. She died .
- Raja Vijay Chandra Bhanj Deo (by Rani Prafulla Kumari Devi) (see Bastar)
- Kumar Meghnath Bhanj Deo (by Shrimati Tilottama Devi), married Kumari Saraswati Devi of Ratu (Chhota Nagpur), no issue.
- Kumar Makardhwaj Bhanj Deo (by Shrimati Tilottama Devi), married married Kumari Sisirrangini Devi of Dugni, Distt. Seraikella-Kharswan, and has issue, three sons and three daughters.
- Kumar Mahesh Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Sangeeta Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Sunita Bhanj Deo
- Kumar Manoj Bhanj Deo
- Kumar Mandeep Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Sumitra Devi, married Barun Ganguly, and has issue, one daughter.
- Rima Sen, married Deb Sen, and has issue, one daughter and one son.
- Kumar Manmath Bhanj Deo (by Shrimati Tilottama Devi), married Kumari Prabhas Devi of Chemrudihi, Kharswan, and had issue, one son.
- Kumar Mahendra Bhanj Deo
- Kumar Minketu Bhanj Deo (by Shrimati Tilottama Devi), married Kumari Jaya Devi of Kolkata, and has issue, one son and one daughter.
- Kumar Manjit Bhanj Deo
- Kumari Rinku Devi
- Kumar Madan Bhanj Deo (by Shrimati Tilottama Devi), died unmarried.
- Kumari Subhadra Devi (by Shrimati Tilottama Devi), married Maharajkumar Juga Bhanu Singh Deo, third son of Tikayat Nrupendra Narayan Singh Deo of Seraikella, and his wife, Tikayet Rani Kusum Manjari Devi, and has issue, one son and one daughter.
- Lal Sahib Prafulla Chandra Bhanj Deo, born , M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.A.I., F.R.A.S.; Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, for two terms: 1952-1954 / 1954-1960, Member Committee of Parliament on Official Language 1957; married 1stly, 1927, Rani Prafulla Kumari Devi, daughter and heir of Raja Rudra Pratap Deo of Bastar, and his first wife, Rani Kusumlata Devi, married 2ndly, 1938, Lal Saheba Tilottama Devi, born , died , and had issue, seven sons and four daughters. He died .
- Kumari (name unknown), married Raja [?Narpat Singh IV] of Porahat, and had issue, four daughters.
- Kumari (name unknown), married Raja Bahadur Shri Jyoti Prasad Singh Deo of Panchkot, and had issue.
- HH Maharaja Shri SRIRAM CHANDRA BHANJ DEO, Maharaja of Mayurbhanj 1882/1912, born , succeeded 29th May 1882, Maharaja [cr.1910], installed 15th August 1892, he worked for allround development of the Mayurbhanj state and implemented various welfare schemes designed to help the people. He was revered as a Philosopher king. Impressed with the noble qualities of Utkal Mani Gopabandhu Das he made him his advocate. Gopabandhu turned out to be friend, philosopher and guide for the ruler. He constituted the state council for administration in the state and brought about reforms in the sphere of language, health and administration. During his reign, scientific operation of iron mines was started for the first time. He commissioned a narrow gauge railway line from Rupsa to Baripada. He presided over the first meeting of Utkal Samilani on 3rd December 1933. He was a patriot and great patron of the Oriya language and helped tremendously in setting up educational and medical institutions for the benefit of the people; married 1stly, 1896, HH Maharani Lakshmi Kumari Devi of Panchkot, born , died , married 2ndly, 1904 in Calcutta, HH Maharani Suchara Devi, daughter of Maharishi Keshub Chandra Sen, and had issue. He died .
- Rajkumari Sripat Manjari Devi (by Maharani Lakshmi Kumari Devi), born , died .
- HH Maharaja Shri Purna Chandra Bhanj Deo (by Maharani Lakshmi Kumari Devi) (qv)
- HH Maharaja Sir Shri Pratap Chandra Bhanj Deo (by Maharani Lakshmi Kumari Devi) (qv)
- Maharaj Kumar Dhrubendra Bhanj Deo (by Maharani Suchara Devi), an I.A.F. Pilot during WWII. He died in action on 2nd August 1942.
- Maharajkumari (name unknown), born , proposed in 1946 as a bride for the minor Maharaja of Vizianagram.
- Maharaj Kumari Jyoti Manjari Devi (by Maharani Suchara Devi), married Mahant Sarveshwar Das of Nandgaon.
- HH Maharaja Shri PURNA CHANDRA BHANJ DEO, Maharaja of Mayurbhanj 1912/1928, born , married 27th January 1917, HH Maharani Takhat Kunwerba, daughter of Capt. HH Maharana Raj Sahib Shri Sir Amarsinhji Banesinhji of Wankaner. He died sp 21st April 1928.
- HH Maharaja Sir Shri PRATAP CHANDRA BHANJ DEO, Maharaja of Mayurbhanj 1928/1968, born , educated at Rajkumar College, Ajmer and Muir Central College, Allahabad; G.C.I.E. [cr.1946] , K.C.I.E. [cr.1935], Flight Lt. RAF, first Pro-Chancellor of Uktal University, Member of the Standing Committee of the Chamber of Princes, First President of the Council of Rulers of the Eastern States, Member of the International Committee for Bird Preservation in London, Member of the Royal Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce in London, Member of the Bombay National Historical Society, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, married 25th November 1925, HH Maharani Prema Kumari Devi, daughter of Rajakumar Sirdar Singh of Shahpura, and had issue. He died .
- HH Maharaja Shri Pradeep Chandra Bhanj Deo (qv)
- Maharaj Swaroop Chandra Bhanj Deo, educated Mayo College, Ajmer, Rajkumar College, Raipur, Massachussets Institute of Technology and CalTech, USA; married Rani Asha Bhanjdeo [née Asha Bhatnagar], daughter of Dr. Bhatnagar, who was Research Director (India), Ciba-Geigy. He died .
- Maharani Pratibha Manjari Devi, born , married 22nd May 1955, Maharaja Bahadur Pratap Singh of Gidhaur and has issue.
- HH Maharaja Shri PRADEEP CHANDRA BHANJ DEO, Maharaja of Mayurbhanj 1968/2000, born in Calcutta, married 8th February 1951 in Calcutta, HH Maharani Bharati Rajya Lakshmi Devi, daughter of HM King Tribhuvan of Nepal, born in Kathmandu, and had issue. He died .
- HH Maharaja Shri Praveen Chandra Bhanj Deo (qv)
- Maharaj Kumari Prabha Manjari Devi, born in Calcutta, died in London.
- Maharajkumari Padma Manjari Devi [HH Maharani Padma Manjari Devi of Kalahandi], born O ctober 1953 in Calcutta, married HH Maharaja Shri Udai Pratap Deo of Kalahandi, and has issue.
- Maharaj Kumari Sneha Manjari Devi, born in Calcutta, married 7th May 1981 in Kathmandu, Shri Sarad Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana of Nepal.
- HH Maharaja Shri PRAVEEN CHANDRA BHANJ DEO, Maharaja of Mayurbhanj (see above)
- Lal Saheb (name unknown) Chandra Bhanj Deo of Sompata, married and had issue.
- Kumari (name unknown) Manjari Devi [HH The Maharani Saheba of Patna], married (as his second wife), HH Maharaja Prithviraj Singh Deo of Patna. She died sp.
- Lal Saheb Sarat Chandra Bhanj Deo of Sompata in Mayurbhanj, and had issue.
- Lal Saheb Bharat Chandra Bhanj Deo, married Lal Saheba Parvati Bhanj Deo, daughter of Maharajkumar Bira Kesari Deo B.A. of Kalahandi, and his wife, Maharajkumari Manjushree Devi, and has issue, three sons.
- Lal Saheb Gautam Chandra Bhanjdeo, born in Cuttack, educated at the Xavier Institute of Management (M.B.A.); presently (2010) employed with Birla Sunlife A.M.C. as a Regional Head, West Bengal; married 12th December 2006 in Kolkata, Lal Saheba Babita Rawat Bhanjdeo, daughter of Thakur Swarup Singh Rawat of Pauri-Garhwal, and his wife, Thakurani Kamla Devi Rawat, and has issue, one daughter.
- Kumari Adya Manjari Devi
- Lal Saheb Gautam Chandra Bhanjdeo, born in Cuttack, educated at the Xavier Institute of Management (M.B.A.); presently (2010) employed with Birla Sunlife A.M.C. as a Regional Head, West Bengal; married 12th December 2006 in Kolkata, Lal Saheba Babita Rawat Bhanjdeo, daughter of Thakur Swarup Singh Rawat of Pauri-Garhwal, and his wife, Thakurani Kamla Devi Rawat, and has issue, one daughter.
- Kumari Manjul Manjari Devi [Rani (now Rajmata) Manjul Manjari Devi of Narsinghpur], married Raja Trilochan Mansingh Harichandan Mahapatra of Narsinghpur, and has issue, three sons and one daughter.
- Lal Saheb Bharat Chandra Bhanj Deo, married Lal Saheba Parvati Bhanj Deo, daughter of Maharajkumar Bira Kesari Deo B.A. of Kalahandi, and his wife, Maharajkumari Manjushree Devi, and has issue, three sons.