



Hindi Name

रायपुर रानी

Last Updated

23rd Jul, 2014


Founded in 1420 by Rao Rai Singh, one of the sons of Rana Har Rai who came from Ajmer. Estate holders were....
  • Rao NATHA SINGH, Rao of Raipur Rani, married and had issue.
    • Rao Kishen Singh (qv)
  • Rao KISHEN SINGH, Rao of Raipur Rani, married and had issue.
    • Rao Basant Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Hardev Singh
  • Rao BASANT SINGH, Rao of Raipur Rani, married and had issue.
    • Rao Baldev Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Jaidev Singh
  • Rao BALDEV SINGH, Rao of Raipur Rani, married and had issue.
    • Tikka Udho Singh, born , died sp in 1930.
    • Rao Prithi Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Bhumi Singh, born .
    • Kanwar Charan Singh, born , died sp.
  • Rao PRITHI SINGH, Rao of Raipur Rani, born , married Rani Dev Kanwar, and had issue. He died .
    • Tikka Pradyuman Singh, born , died on .
    • Kanwar Nagender Singh, born in Ambala, educated at Hindu College, University of Delhi; married 7th February 1984 in Belasar in Bikaner, Kanwarani Sunita Kanwar, and has issue, two sons.
      • Shri Prabal Singh, educated at S.G.G.S. College, Punjab University, Chandigarh, married in 2015 to Jaya Rathore, daughter of Thakur Bhawani Singh of village Ottu (District Sirsa, Haryana).
        • Agastya Singh Chauhan
      • Shri Shiv Singh, educated at D.A.V. College, Chandigarh.
  • Rani Rudar Devi, married (as his first wife), Rana Raghunath Chand, Thakur of Mahilog, and had issue.
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