Present Head

- Rajkumar Samar Raj Singh, born .
- Rajkumari Ahilya Kumari, born .
Shivrati is a major branch of the Mewar (Udaipur) ruling family, the descendants of Maharaj Arjun Singh, fourth son of Maharana Sangram Singh II. This ‘brood of blue blood’ lay claim to the oldest serving dynasty in the world. Three Maharanas were adopted from this line of the royal family. The last ruling Maharana (Bhagwat Singh) of Udaipur was also from this house. The heroic lineage of Shivrati family compares to no other throughout the whole of India.
- Maharaj Shri ARJUN SINGHJI, 1st Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati, son of Maharana Sangram Singhji II of Udaipur, he played a prominent role during Maharana Ari Singh II's reign. When Madhav Rao Scindia attacked Mewar, Maharaj Arjun Singh fought on the side of the Maharana, whilst other prominent nobles were part of a force trying to depose Maharana Ari Singh and put a pretender, Ratan Singh on the throne. Afterwards, in the battle of Gangrar with 'Mahapurash', Arjun Singh was in the front line with the Maharana, and fought valiantly, receiving many wounds. During Maharana Hamir Singh II's minority, Arjun Singh looked after State affairs. In his final days, Arjun Singh retired to Kashi, where he died ; he married and had issue.
- Maharaj Shri Shiv Singhji (qv)
- Maharaj Bahadur Singh, he was granted the Jagir of Jarkhana, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Jawan Singh, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Jaswant Singh, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Madan Singh
- Maharaj Prithvi Singh
- Maharaj Ajit Singh
- Maharaj Jaswant Singh, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Zorawar Singh
- Maharaj Jawan Singh, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Shri SHIV SINGHJI, 2nd Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Shri Suraj Malji (qv)
- Kunwar Daulat Singh, adopted by Maharaj Shri Bhairon Singhji of Karjali and succeeded there as Maharaj Shri Daulat Singhji of Karjali, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Shri Anup Singh, he succeeded in Karjali.
- Rajkumar Dal Singh, adopted by Maharaj Surajmal, married and had issue. He died prematurely in 1869 without succeeding.
- Maharaj Shri Gaj Singhji (qv)
- Maharaj Shri Surat Singhji, adopted into Karjali, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Shri Himmat Singhji (qv), he was adopted by Maharaj Gaj Singh of Shivrati and succeeded there as the head of the Shivrati family.
- Maharaj Takhat Singh
- Maharaj Tej Singh
- Maharaj Khuman Singh
- Kunwar Fateh Singh, adopted initially by his brother, Maharaj Gaj Singh, but was later adopted by Maharana Sajjan Singh of Udaipur and succeeded there as HH 108 Sri Maharaj Adhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Ravi Kula Bushana-Mahi Mahindra Yavadarya Kula Kamaldhivakara Chattis Rajkul Singar Maharana Shri Sir Fateh Singhji Bahadur Hindua Suraj Hindupati of Udaipur.
- Maharaj Shri SURAJMALJI, 3rd Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati -/1869, he became the confidante of Maharana Bhim Singh. As Maharaj Surajmal had no male issue, he therefore adopted RajKumar Dal Singh, son of Surajmal’s younger brother Daulat Singh (adopted by the ruler of Karjali), who became heir to the leadership of Shivrati.
- Maharaj Shri GAJ SINGHJI, 4th Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati 1869/-, born about 1835, member of the Regency Council during Maharana Sajjan Singh's reign. A foresighted personality, shrewd politician and magnanimous enough to renounce the throne of Mewar; married the daughter of the Thakur of Baroda-Gujarat, as he too, had no male issue, he adopted his younger brother, Fateh Singh, and gave him to adoption by Maharana Sajjan Singh of Udaipur (and later became Maharana Fateh Singh), he next adopted Himmat Singh, his younger brother's eldest son from Karjali, making Shivrati head of the royal branch.
- (A) Rajkumar Fateh Singh, later adopted by Maharana Sajjan Singh of Mewar, and succeeded there as HH 108 Sri Maharaj Adhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Ravi Kula Bushana-Mahi Mahindra Yavadarya Kula Kamaldhivakara Chattis Rajkul Singar Maharana Shri Sir Fateh Singhji Bahadur Hindua Suraj Hindupati of Udaipur.
- (A) Rajkumar Himmat Singh, succeeded as Maharaj Himmat Singh.
- Maharaj Shri HIMMAT SINGHJI, 5th Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati, he was a close aide to his uncle, Maharana Fateh Singh, and looked after state matters and was a special adviser in the court; he built many palaces and temples in the jagir villages (the famous Himmat Sagar Lake at Shivrati was built during his rule). He also took a keen interest in the arts and culture of Mewar and collected many artifacts of interest. He encouraged the painting of elaborate portraits and sculptures during his reign; he married the daughter of Raj Rana Zalim Singhji, 15th Raj Rana Sahib of Delwara, and had issues, four sons and four daughters.
- Maharaj Shri Shivdan Singhji (qv)
- Maharaj Shri Pratap Singh of Oradi, he was granted the Thikana of Bhupalgarh after the adoption of his son to Udaipur.
- Kunwar Bhagwat Singh, adopted by Maharana Shri Sir BHUPAL SINGH Bahadur of Udaipur and succeeded as the 33rd Maharana of Udaipur.
- Maharaj Narendra Singh, succeeded as 2nd Maharaj of Bhupalgarh.
- Maharaj Arjun Singh
- Maharaj Hamir Singh of Ganeshpura, married and had issues.
- Maharaj Inder Singh
- Maharaj Tribhuvan Singh
- Maharaj Udai Singh of Kali Mangri, married and had issue.
- Maharaj Yagvendra Singh
- Maharaj Shatrudaman Singh, married to Mahendra Kumari, daughter of Rathore Pratapsinhji Deepsinhji of Limdi in Panchmahals and had issue, two sons. He died on .
- Maharaj Yudhveer Singh, married to Rani Hemantika Kumari, daughter of Thakur Rajendra Singhji of Ramgarh (MP) has issue.
- Baisa Nandita Kumari, married to Rajkumar Arunoday Singhji of Nagod (MP) in 2021.
- Baisa Padmaja Kumari, born in .
- Kunwar Surya Pratap Singh, born in .
- Maharaj Dr. Ajat Shatru Singh, married in 1998 to Krishna Kunwar, daughter of Thakur Devi Singh Ji of Mokalsar and had issues, one daughter and a son.
- Bhuvneshwari Kumari, born .
- Preyavrut Singh, born .
- Maharaj Yudhveer Singh, married to Rani Hemantika Kumari, daughter of Thakur Rajendra Singhji of Ramgarh (MP) has issue.
- Maharaj Madhusudan Singh, married and has issue.
- Baisa Smita Kumari, married 2nd December 2007 at Udaipur, Kunwar Shri Shivraj Singh, son of Thakur Sahib Shri Devi Singhji.
- Baisa Hukam Udai Kumari, married the Rao Sahib of Neemri in Madhya Pradesh.
- Bai Sahiba Ratan Kumari, married the Thakur Sahib of Sandwa-Lakhansar in Bikaner.
- Bai Sahiba Vijay Kumari [Rani Vijay Kuwarba of Sarodad], married Brig. Maharaj Saheb Pratapsinhji Juwansinhji Jadeja of Sarodad in Nawanagar, and had issue.
- Bai Sahiba Anand Kumari, married the Thakur Sahib of Satheen in Jodhpur.
- Maharaj Shri SHIVDAN SINGHJI, 6th Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati, born , educated initially privately, then at Mayo College, Ajmer; Senior Member of Medhraj Sabha (Chiefs Court) and Walter Krit Rajput Kitkarni Sabha; Honourary Major of Mewar State Forces, he was a scholar, thinker and philosopher. Many still remain indebted to his good will and social work. He was respected amongst the pioneers of Indian Independence, he represented the state assembly and contested for Member of Parliament. Founder of the Devesthan Trust, which promotes religious and cultural heritage activities; he married 1stly, a daughter of the Thakur of Ras, married 2ndly, Rani Goverdhan Kunwar, daughter of Rao Ranjit Singhji of Kushalgarh, and had issue, six sons and two daughters. He died .
- Maharaj Shri Bhim Singh (qv)
- Maharaj Man Singh, married a daughter of the Rawal Sahib of Sindhri in Jodhpur, and has issue.
- Bai Sahiba Devhooti Kumari, married to Maharaj Jaswant Singh of Bari Sadri and has issue.
- Bai Sahiba Sharad Kumari [Kunwarani Sharad Prabha of Gajsinghpura], married Kunwar Akshaya Singh of Gajsinghpura (see Khandela), and has issue.
- Kunwar Chatur Pradeep Singh, born , married Kunwarani Madhulika Kumari, daughter of Thakur Raguveer Pratap Singh of Thikana Kod, Indore, and has issue, one son and two daughters.
- Baisa Maha Shveta Ranawat
- Baisa Navnedhi Ranawat
- Bhawar Bhawani Raj Ranawat
- Maharaj Narendra Singh, married Rani Girija Kumari, daughter of Brig. Thakur Bagh Singhji of Daudsar in Bikaner, and had issue.
- Kunwar Vivekbhan Singh, born , married 1984, Kunwarani Vrinda Kanwar, born , daughter of Raj Rana Hari Singhji of Tana, and his wife, Rani Marudhar Kanwar, and has issue.
- Kumari Bhuratna
- Bhanwar Shiladitya Singh
- Bai Sahiba Smriti Kumari
- Kunwar Bhagirath Singh
- Kunwar Vivekbhan Singh, born , married 1984, Kunwarani Vrinda Kanwar, born , daughter of Raj Rana Hari Singhji of Tana, and his wife, Rani Marudhar Kanwar, and has issue.
- Maharaj Prithvi Singh, married to a daughter of the Darbar Sahib of Ghodasar in Gujarat, and has issue.
- Kunwar Harish Chandra Singh
- Kunwar Dalip Singh
- Bai Sahiba Sudha Kumari
- Maharaj Narayan Singh, married 1stly, a daughter of the Thakur Sahib of Ghodaich in Udaipur, married 2ndly, a daughter of the Darbar Sahib of Ghodasar in Gujarat, and had issue.
- Maharaj Manumaheep Singh (by 1st marriage), married Rani Suraj Kanwar, third daughter of Thakur Jorawar Singh of Siriyari.
- Bai Sahiba Jyoti Kumari (by 1st marriage)
- Maharaj Anirudh Singh (by 2nd marriage)
- Maharaj Surendra Singh, married Rani Pritam Kumari, daughter of Thakur Sher Singhji of Balunda, and his wife, Thakurani Ucchal Kanwar, and has issue, two sons.
- Kanwar Mahipal Singh, married 1990, Kunwarani Meenakshi Kanwar, a daughter of Kanwar Kuber Singh Ji of Kullu, and his wife, Kanwarani Annapurna Kumari, and has issue, two children.
- Kumari Pratiyaksha
- Bhanwar Akhilshwer Singh
- Kanwar Mandhata Singh, married 1994, Kunwarani Smitha Kanwar, a daughter of the Apji Sahib of Rajgarh in Kotah, and has issue, two children.
- Bhanwar Puranjai Singh
- Kumari Jhanvi
- Kanwar Mahipal Singh, married 1990, Kunwarani Meenakshi Kanwar, a daughter of Kanwar Kuber Singh Ji of Kullu, and his wife, Kanwarani Annapurna Kumari, and has issue, two children.
- Baisa Hukam Kalyan Kanwar, married the Thakur Sahib of Bori in Jhabua in Madya Pradesh.
- Bai Sahiba Ratan Kunwar, married Thakur Umaid Singh of Santha in Jaipur.
- Maharaj Shri BHIM SINGHJI, 7th Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati 1975/2006, born , educated at Maharaja Sadul Public School, Bikaner; Mayo College, Ajmer and Bhopal Nobles, Udaipur. Known as ‘The Man Who Would Be King’, rightful successor of Udaipur, but unfortunately for him, his uncle’s son (Maharana Bhagwat Singh) was adopted to the throne of Mewar as Bhim Singh was considered too young in age to succeed Maharana Bhopal Singh. Honorary Member, Wild life Conservation Trust, Chairman Devesthan Trust, Member Zoological Society, Member Kshatriya Club, Member Charbhuja Ji Trust, Agriculturist, Hotelier and Property Developer; he married Rani Sahiba Prem Kumari, daughter of Thakur Umaid Singh of Nimaj, and his wife, Thakurani Phool Kanwar, and had issue. He died
- Rajkumar Dhruv Narain Singh, born , B.A., educated at Mayo College, Ajmer and Government College, Ajmer. He was an Agriculturist, Hotelier, Historian, Special advisor to Maharana Mahendra Singh Mewar, Trustee Devesthan Trust, Member Mayo Old Boy’s Association, Patron Electronics Dealers Association (Rajasthan), Member Field Club. Interests included: Horse Riding, Reading, Classical and Folk music etc.; he married Kanwarani Sahiba Jaishree Singh, daughter of Raja Rajendra Chandra Mardraj Harichandra of Nilgiri, and his wife, Rani Indira Devi, and had issue. He died prematurely in August 1997.
- Shriman Maharaj Sahib Shri Raghav Raj Singh (qv)
- Baisa Hukam Usha Kiran, married the Maharaj Saheb Kamal Jeet Singh of Dhonswas-Amleta in Ratlam, and has issue.
- Kunwar Ashutosh Singh Rathore, married Kunwarani Aarti Jadeja from Gujarat.
- Bai Sahiba Namrata, married Thakur Sahib Randeep Singh Shekhawat of Dundlod.
- Rajkumar Dhruv Narain Singh, born , B.A., educated at Mayo College, Ajmer and Government College, Ajmer. He was an Agriculturist, Hotelier, Historian, Special advisor to Maharana Mahendra Singh Mewar, Trustee Devesthan Trust, Member Mayo Old Boy’s Association, Patron Electronics Dealers Association (Rajasthan), Member Field Club. Interests included: Horse Riding, Reading, Classical and Folk music etc.; he married Kanwarani Sahiba Jaishree Singh, daughter of Raja Rajendra Chandra Mardraj Harichandra of Nilgiri, and his wife, Rani Indira Devi, and had issue. He died prematurely in August 1997.
- Shriman Maharaj Sahib Shri RAGHAV RAJ SINGH, 8th Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati (see above)