Present Head

- Rajkumari Shri Anjali Raje Nitranjan Pawar, born .
- Rajkumari Shri Runaali Raje Nitranjan Pawar, born .
- Rajkumari Shri Kavita Raje Nitranjan Pawar, born .
- Deshmukh Shri Atishraje Nitranjan Pawar, born .
Founded before 1800. The Chiefs of Surgana were Konkani Kunbis, who were in charge of the region around Hatgad to prevent predatory incursions above the ghats by the Bhils and Kholis of the Dangs as well as to render military service to their neighbouring Chieftains. To enhance their authority they were entitled Deshmukhs of the Hatgad devision of Nasik and had the town of Surgana and other villages. When the Matrathas rose to power the Surgana Chieftains refused to pay tribute to them as well as the Moghuls and there were termed as Bandi Mulk (rebel land). Nevertheless their vital position between the Deccan and Surat made the Marathas conciliatory toward them. In 1818, acting as virtual rulers, they attacked a British police party passing through Surgana. In retaliation, the Chief, Malharrao was seized and hanged in 1819, and his cousin Bhikaji Rao was recognised as chief for his personal service to the British against the Marathas. He was soon murdered in a riot stirred up by the mother of the late chief and her brother-in-law, Pilaji who was hunted, seized and executed by the British. In 1846 the branch of the family descended from Malharro was allowed to share in the revenues of the state, and this was finally settled in 1877 by an allowance grant. From 1921 to 1947 the chief was entitled to elect a Representitive Member of the Chambers of Princes. The Princely State was bordered on the south by Peinth in Nasik, and in the west by the states of Bansda and Dharampur. In March 1948, Meherban Shrimant Dhairyashil Rao Yeshwantrao Pawar, Chief of Surgana, signed the Gujrat States Merger Agreeement.
- Deshmukh MALHAR RAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1818/1819, executed in 1819.
- Deshmukh BHIKAJI RAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1819/1820
- Deshmukh YESHWANT RAO I BHIKAJIRAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1820/1854
- Deshmukh RAVI RAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1854/1867
- Deshmukh SHANKAR RAO RAVI RAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1867/1898, born .
- Deshmukh PRATAP RAO SHANKAR RAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1898/1930, born , succeeded 17th June 1899, formally installed on 4th December, 1901.
- Deshmukh YESHWANT RAO II PRATAPRAO, Deshmukh of Surgana 1930/1936
- Deshmukh Shri DHAIRYASHILRAO YESHWANTRAO, Deshmukh of Surgana or 'the Chief of Surgana state' 1936/2003, born , succeeded to the gadi in April, 1936; Member of the Rajya Sabha 1952/1968 and 1972/1978, married Shrimati Rani Udayani Devi, and had issue, two sons and one daughter. He died on .
- Deshmukh Shri Nitranjan Dhairyashilrao Pawar (qv)
- Shrimant Rajkumar Tejsinhraje Pawar, married Shrimant Rani Usharaje Tejsinh Pawar, and has issue.
- Shri Rohitraje Tejsinhraje Pawar, born , educated at Pune University (M.B.A.), married 9th December 2001, Shrimant Vrushaliraje Rohitraje Pawar, and has issue.
- Shri Kaustubhadityaraje Pawar
- Shri Ratnasheelraje Tejsinhraje Pawar, born ; presently he is actively involved in politics and social service and is also managing a petrol pump in Surgana in the name of Asawari Petroleum, Surgana, married to Soubhagyakankshini Sonaliraje and and has issue, one son.
- Shri Rudrapratap Pawar
- Shri Rohitraje Tejsinhraje Pawar, born , educated at Pune University (M.B.A.), married 9th December 2001, Shrimant Vrushaliraje Rohitraje Pawar, and has issue.
- Shrimant Rani Kalpanaraje, married Chhatrapati Shri Pratapsinhraje Shahumaharaj Bhonsle of Satara, and has issue.
- Deshmukh Shri NITRANJAN DHAIRYASHILRAO PAWAR, Deshmukh of Surgana (see above)