


Himachal Pradesh


15th April 1948


223 Square Kilometers km²


4,411 (1901)

Privy Purse

INR 18,100

Hindi Name


Last Updated

21st Jan, 2024

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Rana RAKESH SINGH, present Rana of Tharoch since 2021. (The Palace, Post Office Tharoch, Sub-Tehsil Nerwa, Tehsil Chopal, District Simla, Himachal Pradesh, India), born , succeeded to the gaddi in 2021. He married Rani Purnima Singh, second daughter of Raja Udai Pratap Singh of Gangwal, and his wife, Rani Gopal Kumar, and has issue, three children.
  • Tikka Saheb Kartikey Singh Sisodia, schooling from La Martiniere College, Lucknow.
  • Rajkumari Saheb Padmakshi Singh, currently (2024) studying in La Martiniere Girls College, Lucknow.
  • Kunwar Devmanya Pratap Singh, currently (2024) studying in La Martiniere Girls College, Lucknow.
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Founded in the 15th century. Also known as Tiroch or Taroch. Originally titled Ranas up to the occupation by the Gurkhas, and Thakurs from 1815 to 1929. The founder of Tharoch belonged to the Sisodia Dynasty of Udaipur. It is said that Deokaran, one of the Maharaj Kumars of Udaipur, came to the hills and settled at Sirmur. Tharoch formerly constituted a part of the Sirmur state, and was bestowed as a gift on Kishan Singh, the descendant of Deokaran. This state came into being sometime in the 15th or 16th century. In 1838-39 A.D. an insurrection broke out in Tharoch, the cause of which was that on the death of Thakur Karam Singh in 1819 A.D., the chiefship was conferred on Jhobu and his heirs by a sanad of the same year. The title of Jhobu had not been questioned till 1838 A.D., when Ranjit Singh, his nephew, set up his claim, and formed a strong party in his own favour. A lengthy correspondence ensued. Jhobu was compelled to abdicate infavour of Shyam Singh, his son. But the arrangement did not last long owing to the incompetence of Shyam Singh, and the intrigues set on foot by both Jhobu and Ranjit Singh. In 1841 A.D. it was found necessary to depose Shyam Singh, after which the state was incorporated with Jubbal. Tharoch continued to be under British 131 management until April 1843 A.D., when Ranjit Singh's claims were finally acknowledged and a sanad dated June 27, 1843 was granted to him conferring the rulership on him and his heirs to perpetuity subject to the usual conditions of military service.

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  • Rana KISHAN SINGH, 1st Rana of Tharoch, founder of the state fl.15th century
  • ......
  • Thakur LACCHU SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch 1787/1815, in the 19th generation from the founder, married and had issue. He died .
    • Thakur Karam Singh (qv)
    • Thakur Jhobu Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Bir Singh
  • Thakur KARAM SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch 1815/1819, married and had issue. He died .
    • Tikka Lal Singh, died vpsp in 1813.
    • Thakur Ranjit Singh (qv)
    • generation
      • Thakur Kesar Singh, founder of the Princely State of Dhadi. (cf. below)
  • Thakur JHOBU SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch 1819/1838, succession confirmed by a sanad of 1819, married and had issue. He died .
    • Thakur Shyam Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Bhan Singh, married and had issue.
      • Kanwar Kesar Singh, 1st Thakur Sahib of Dhadi. (cf. above)
      • Kanwar Kanshi Ram, married and had issue.
        • Kanwar Rup Singh
      • Kanwar Mallu Ram of Behrog, married and had issue.
        • Kanwar Sher Singh, married and had issue.
          • Kanwar Krishen Singh, married Kumari Pamela, daughter of Col. Sardar Mehr Singh of Mukerian, and has issue.
          • Kumari Padma Kumari, married Col. Sardar Jai Ganesh Singh of Mukerian, and has issue.
          • Kumari Uma Devi, married Col. Kanwar Raghubir Singh of Ghund, and has issue.
          • Kumari Sheila Devi, married Kanwar Birendra Singh of Jubbal, and has issue.
        • Kanwar Madhan Singh, married and had issue.
          • Kanwar Bahadur Singh
          • Kanwar Baldev Singh
        • Kanwar Devi Singh, married and had issue.
          • Kumari Vimla Devi, married Kanwar Narendra Singh of Jubbal, and has issue.
        • Kumari Manki Devi, married Kanwar Madan Singh of Jubbal, and had issue.
        • Kumari Dharam Devi, married Kanwar Bhim Singh of Jubbal, and had issue.
        • Kumari Jantu Devi, married (as his first wife), Kanwar Nar Singh of Jubbal, and had issue.
  • Thakur SHYAM SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch 1838/1841 (deposed)
  • INTERREGNUM 1841/1843 (under the control of Jubbal)
  • Thakur RANJIT SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch 1843/1877, succession confirmed by a sanad, married and had issue. He died .
    • Tikka Kehar Singh, married and had issue. He died vp in 1866.
      • Thakur Kidar Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Sadia Singh, died .
    • Kanwar Tikam Singh, born .
    • Kanwar Dhian Singh, died .
    • Kanwar Sis Ram, born .
    • Kanwar Rai Singh, died .
    • Kanwar Rinkhu Singh
    • Kanwar Mathra Singh, born .
    • Kanwar Man Singh
  • Thakur KIDAR SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch 1877/1902, born , succeeded 20th May 1871 or 1877, married two Ranis from Bashahr and Thakurani Jamuna Devi of Darkoti, and had issue. He died .
    • Rana Surat Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Partab Singh, born , died young.
    • Kanwar Murat Singh, married 1stly, Kanwarani Durga Devi, daughter of Kanwar Gopal Singh of Baghat, died sp, married 2ndly, Kanwarani Sharda Devi, daughter of Rana Raghunath Singh of Darkoti, and had issue, five daughters. (Tharoch, Himachal Pradesh, India)
      • Kumari Kamla Kumari, married Kanwar Harinder Singh of Ghund, and has issue, one son and one daughter.
      • Kumari Kanta Kumari, married Rakesh Sharma from Kangra, and has issue, two daughters.
        • Sonia Sharma
        • Divya Sharma
      • Kumari Shakuntala Kumari, married Kanwar Yashpal Singh of Dulehar, and has issue, one son and one daughter.
        • Kanwar Rahul Singh
        • Kumari Richa Singh
      • Kumari Kunti Kumari [Rani Kunti Kumari of Dhadi], married Rana Sahib Surinder Singh of Dhadi, and has issue, two sons and one daughter.
      • Kumari Kalpana Kumari, married Kanwar Uday Singh of Jubbal, and has issue, two sons.
  • Rana SURAT SINGH, Rana of Tharoch 1902/1944 , born and succeeded 14th July 1902, he was granted the title of Rana as a personal distinction in 1929, married and had issue. He died .
    • Rajkumari Ladli Kumari, married Rana Hardev Singh of Kunihar, and had issue.
    • Tikka Mahendra Singh, born , married 1stly, Tikka Rani Ambika Kumari, daughter of Kanwar Rudra Singh of Koti, married 2ndly, Tikka Rani Kamla Kunwar, born , died , daughter of Shreeman Maharaj Bharat Singhji Sahib, Raja Sahib of Multhan, and his first wife, Rani Aman Kunwar, married 3rdly, a Kumari of Balsan. He died sp in 1938.
    • Rajkumar Sumander Singh, died young.
    • Rana Baljit Singh (qv)
    • Rajkumar Pratap Singh
    • Rajkumari Tara Devi, married Raja Shri Dalip Singh Bahadur of Dhami, and had issue, five children.
    • Rajkumari Rajdulari, married to Brig. Apji Nahar Singh of Kunadi in Kotah, Rajasthan.
    • Rajkumari Jeevan, married Shri Prakash Katoch of Kangra in Himachal Pradesh.
  • Rana BALJIT SINGH, (The Palace, Post Office Tharoch, Sub-Tehsil Nerwa, Tehsil Chopal, District Simla, Himachal Pradesh, India), born , succeeded to the gaddi in 1944, married 1961 at Dehra Dun, Rani Pratima Kumari of Patna in Bihar, and has issue. He died in .
    • Rajkumari Mrignayni Kumari, married into Jamnagar in Gujarat.
    • Tikka Saheb Rakesh Singhji (qv)
  • Rana RAKESH SINGH, Thakur of Tharoch (see above)
  • Kanwar Ishwar Singh, married and had issue.
    • Kanwarani Pushpa Kumari, married Kanwar Gian Singh of Ghund, and had issue.
  • Kanwar Mahinder Singh (cf. above), married 1924, Kumari Shankri Dei, died sp in 1945, daughter of Kanwar Surjan Singh of Jubbal, and his wife, Kanwarani Govinda Devi.
  • Kanwar Jai Singh, married Kanwarani Padma Devi, daughter of Kanwar Budhi Singh of Kiri-Nerwa in Jubbal.
  • Kanwarani Gyan Devi, married Kanwar Homendra Singh of Jubbal, and had issue.
  • Mian Lal Singh, married and had issue.
    • Kumari Krishna Kumari, married Kanwar Balbir Singh of Jubbal, and has issue, two sons.
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