


Hindi Name


Last Updated

5th Jun, 2024

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The Raja Saheb of Kurwar and Chief of the Bachgoti Rajput clan.
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  • Rai PRITHIPAT SINGH, Rai of Kurwar
  • .......
  • Rai BODH SINGH, Rai of Kurwar fl.1775, married and had issue.
    • generation
      • Rai Mihrban Singh (qv)
  • .......
  • Rai MIHRBAN SINGH, Rai of Kurwar, married and had issue.
    • Rai (name unknown) Singh (qv)
    • Rai (name unknown) Singh (qv)
    • Rai Shitla Bakhsh Singh (qv)
  • Rai (name unknown) SINGH, Rai of Kurwar
  • Rai (name unknown) SINGH, Rai of Kurwar
  • Rai SHITLA BAKHSH SINGH, Rai of Kurwar, married and had issue.
    • Rai Kalka Bakhsh Singh (qv)
    • Raja Madho Pratap Singh (qv)
  • Rai KALKA BAKHSH SINGH, Rai of Kurwar
  • Raja MADHO PRATAP SINGH, Raja of Kurwar 1857/-, succeeded 23rd November 1857, married Rani Kishnath Kunwar (see below). He died sp.
  • Rani Kishnath Kunwar, Rani of Kurwar -/1885, married Raja Madho Pratap Singh. She adopted her successor and died sp June 1885.
  • Raja PRATAP BAHADUR SINGH, Raja of Kurwar 1885/-, born , married 1stly to Gargbansi Rani of Khapradih; married 2ndly to Rani Rama Devi, daughter of Raja Indra Vikram Singh of Pawayan, and his wife, Rani Griha Rajya Laxmi Devi; married 3rdly to Rani Bhubaneshwari Devi from from Nepal. He died in and was succeeded by his 3rd wife.
    • Rajkumari Savitri Devi (from 2nd wife), married in 1932 to Rajkumar Shivraj Singh Ju Dev of Alipura, and had issues.
  • Rani Bhuneshwari Raj Lakshimi Devi, Rani of Kurwar, she died after 1933.
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