



Gun Salutes



Rajputana Agency


7th April 1949


INR 12,725,000 (1931)


61,355 Square Kilometers km²


936,218 (1931)

Privy Purse

INR 1,700,000

Hindi Name


Last Updated

14th Mar, 2025

Present Head

Flag of Bikaner
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Bikaner was one of the officially recognized Premier States of Rajputana. Also it was second largest state in Rajputana.

“In the 15th century the territory which now forms the state of Bikanir was occupied by Rajput clans, partly Jats, partly Mahommedans. About 1465 Bika, a Rathor Rajput, sixth son of Rao Jodha, chief of Marwar, started out to conquer the country. By taking advantage of the rivalries of the clans he succeeded; in 1485 he built the small fort at the capital which still bears his name, and in 1488 began the building of the city itself. He died in , and his successors gradually extended their possessions.” — 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 3

The State maintains an Imperial Service camel-crop 500 strong, and an irregular local force of 380 cavalry, 500 infantry, and 38 artillery-men with 33 serviceable guns (1911).

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  • Rao BIKAJI, 1st Rao of Bikaner 1465/1504, born , in 1465 he left Jodhpur to conquer a kingdom for himself and came to Desnok, from where he went to Chandasar and subsequently to Kodamdesar where he built a small fort, after three years he moved to Janglu, where he married a daughter of the Bhati Chief; in 1488 he laid the foundation of the present city of Bikaner; he continued to exapnd his territories to the extant that some 3,000 villages belonged to him; married (amongst at least seven Ranis), a daughter of Rao Shaikha Bhati of Poongal, and had issue, ten sons. He died .
    • Rao Naroji Singh (qv)
    • Rao Lunkaranji (qv)
    • Rao Gursi, ancestor of the Gursisar and Ursisar families.
    • Rao Umra Singh
    • Rao Raj Singh
  • Rao NAROJI SINGH, 2nd Rao of Bikaner [17.9.1504] - [13.1.1505], born , died sp on 13th January 1505.
  • Rao LUNKARANJI, 3rd Rao of Bikaner [13.1.1505] - [14.7.1526], born , soon after his succession, the tribal chiefs rebelled but were defeated; in 1512 he invaded Fatehpur and annexed 120 villages; he was powerful enough to defeat Prince Kamran of Delhi who had marched from Bhatner to Bikaner with a large army; married (amongst others), a daughter of Maharana Raimalji of Mewar, and had issue. He died in the battle of Dhonsi. (Sawan Badi 4th S. 1583).
    • Rao Jetsiji Singh (qv)
    • Kunwar Ratan Singh, ancestor of the estate holders of Mahajan.
    • Kunwar Pratap Singh, died in the battle of Dhonsi.
    • Kunwar Bairsi Singh, died in the battle of Dhonsi.
    • Rani Apurva Devi [Bala Bai], married Raja Prithvi Singhji I of Amber, and had issue.
    • ?Rani Jatan Kunwarba Sahiba, married Raj Sahib Ranoji Nathoji of Dhrangadhra.
    • Baisa (name unknown) [Rani Rahiba of Jaisalmer], married Rawal Lunkaranji of Jaisalmer.
  • Rao JETSIJI SINGH, 4th Rao of Bikaner 1526/1542, born , he subdued the Joias, who had refused to join his father in his expedition against Jaisalmer; Rao Maldevji of Jodhpur, attacked Bikaner with 20,000 troops in a battle at Sahva in which the Rao of Bikaner was killed; married and had issue. He died in battle April 1541 or February 1542 at Sahva (Chait Badi 11th S. 1598). He was powerful enough to defeat Prince Kamran of Delhi who had marched from Bhatner to Bikaner with a large army.
    • Rao Kalyan Singh (qv)
    • Rajkumar Bhim Raj, ancestor of the family of Rajpura.
    • Rajkumar Thakursi, ancestor of the family of Jaitpur.
    • Rajkumar Maldeo
    • Rajkumar Kanh Singh
    • Rajkumar Sri Rangji, ancestor of the families of Bhukarka, Sidhmukh, Bae, Jassana, Birkali, Ajitpura, Simla and Raslan.
    • Rajkumar Surjan Singh, ancestor of Surjansar.
    • Rajkumar Karamsen
    • Rajkumar Puranmal
    • Rajkumar Achaldas
    • Rajkumar Man Singh
    • Rajkumar Bhojraj
    • Rajkumar Tilkasi
    • Rajkumar Sheo Singh, ancestor of the Narnot clan.
    • Rajkumar Ashpal Singh
    • Baisa (name unknown), married Rawal Maldevji of Jaisalmer.
  • Rao KALYAN SINGH, 5th Rao of Bikaner 1542/1571, born , he sought the help of Shershah Suri of Delhi to provide an army to enable him to reclaim his kingdom, and in 1544, Rao Maldevji of Jodhpur was forced to fall back and Bikaner was restored; later when Akbar came to power he was able to prove his loyalty; married and had issue. He died .
    • Raja Raj Singh I (qv)
    • Rajkumar Amar Singh, was granted thikana Hardesar.
    • Rajkumar Sultan Singh
    • Rajkumar Prithvi Singh, married a daughter of Rawal Harrajji of Jaisalmer, ancestor of families in Mahalana, Seowa, Dholiya, Nyangali, Lakhlan, Manpura and Jhungali.
    • Rajkumar Ram Singh
    • Baisa (name unknown) [Rani Sahiba of Jaisalmer], married Rawal Harrajji of Jaisalmer.
  • Raja RAJ SINGH I, 6th Raja of Bikaner 1571/1611, born , he laid the foundation stone of Junagarh Fort in Bikaner in 1589 which took three years to build; he defeated the Raja of Jodhpur at Sojat and Siriyari with the help of a Mughal army; he served the Mughal emperor in campaigns to Gujarat, Bengal and Kabul on diffrent occasions and his mansabdari was raised from 4000 to 5000; he was appointed Subedar of Burhanpur 1585/1592, Governor of Surat in 1596 and Governor of Burhanpur in 1612; married 1595, a daughter of Rawal Harrajji of Jaisalmer (whose sister married Akbar, the Mughal Emperor), and had issue. He died .
    • Raja Dalpat Singh (qv)
    • Raja Sur Singh (qv)
    • Rajkumar Hanwant Singh
    • Rajkumar Kishan Singh, ancestor of the family of Sankhu.
    • Rani Dev Kunwarba Sahiba, married Raj Sahib Raisinhji Mansinhji of Dhrangadhra.
    • Baisa (name unknown), married Shahzada Salim (later Padshah Jahangir of Delhi), and was the mother of Prince Parwiz of Delhi.
    • generation (one of the above?)
      • Baisa (name unknown), married Bhimji Rawal of Jaisalmer.
  • Raja DALPAT SINGH, 7th Raja of Bikaner 1612/1614, born , soon after his succession, troops were sent after him by the Mughal Emperor and remainder of his reign was beset with various troubles and a conspiracy hatched by his brother who ingratiated himself with the Mughal Emperor; he was betrayed by his own army and imprisoned in Delhi for a short time but soon after died without returning to Bikaner; married and had issue. He died 10th February 1614.
  • Raja SUR SINGH, 8th Raja of Bikaner 1614/1631, born , he was installed as Raja in the absence of his brother in November 1613; by the end of his reign the Bikaner Raj became greatly reduced in size; he too maintained cordial relations with Delhi and served with distinction in various capacities; married and issue. He died .
    • Raja Karan Singh (qv)
    • Rajkumar Shatrusalji
    • Rajkumar Arjun Singh
  • Raja KARAN SINGH, 9th Raja of Bikaner 1631/1669, born , proclaimed Jai Jangal Dhar Badshah, married a lady from Rampur, and had issue, four sons. He died in the Deccan. In the struggle for succession among the sons of Shahjahan for the imperial throne, Karan Singh sided with Aurangzeb and two of his gallant sons, Kesari Singh and Padam Singh, participated in the principal battles. It is said that they led the imperial van in more than one fight. In the last desperate fight with Dara, they particularly distinguished themselves, in appreciation of which the Emperor Aurangzeb with his own handkerchief, brushed off the dust from their persons as they stood before him hot from the battle. An incident occurred in Raja Karan Singh's time which is well known. The Rajput chiefs had joined the imperial army, ostensibly for a campaign beyond the Indus, but by the time they had reached Attock, Karan Singh discovered, with the assistance of friendly saiyads in his service, that the emperor Aurangzeb intended to convert all the Hindus by force after they had crossed the river. They, therefore, took counsel regarding the course to be pursued and it was agreed to adopt a course of action in which the Musalmans (Muslims) would insist on their right of precedence as regards crossing of the river, which would result in their reaching the other bank first, leaving the Rajputs on this side of the river. Accordingly the Rajas sent their harkaras (messengers) to take possession of the boats, and as had been foreseen, the Musalmans resented this move, as an impertinent act. They drove s away the harkaras and declared that they would use the boats first. When the boats containing the Muslim portion of the army had crossed the river, news arrived of the death of the mother of the ruler of Amber. On this pretext all the Rajas delayed their crossing for twelve days, during which period the next step to be taken was anxiously discussed. It was evident to them that, if they were to leave the means of recrossing the river in the hands of the Emperor, the section of the Muslim army would immediately attack them. Rajput chiefs in their rear in the event of their turning homewards, and consequently they would not escape without severe loss.
    • Maharaja Anup Singh (qv)
    • Rajkumar Padam Singh, married and had issue.
      • Maharani Prem Kunwar, married Maharawat Pratap Singhji of Pratapgarh.
      • Maharani Vijay Kunwar, married Maharawat Prithvi Singhji of Pratapgarh.
      • Rani Panna Kanwar, married (as his first wife), Rao Kesri Singh of Khandela.
    • Rajkumar Kesri Singh, married Rajkumari Karuna De, daughter of Raja Dwarka Das of Khandela.
    • Rajkumar Mohan Singh
  • Maharaja ANUP SINGH, 10th Maharaja of Bikaner 1669/1698, born , Maharaja [cr.1687], he collected large number of rare manuscripts in Sanskrit and other languages whilst he was in the Deccan and established a library, known as the Anup Sanskrit Library; married (amongst others) (a), Maharani Lad Kanwar, daughter of Raja Birsingh Deo of Khandela, married (b), Maharani Kalyan Kanwar, daughter of Maharawat Hari Singh, Maharawat of Deolia-Pratapgarh, and his wife, Maharani Anand Kunwar, and had issue. He died .
    • Maharaja Sarup Singh (qv)
    • Maharaja Sujan Singh (qv)
    • Maharaj Anand Singh, married and had issue.
      • Rajkumar Amar Singh
      • Maharaja Gaj Singh I (qv)
      • Rajkumar Gudar Singh
      • Rajkumar Tara Singh
  • Maharaja SARUP SINGH, 11th Maharaja of Bikaner 1698/1700, born , died o f smallpox 25th December 1700.
  • Maharaja SUJAN SINGH, 12th Maharaja of Bikaner 1700/1736, born , during his reign he successfully defended Bikaner against attacking forces from Jodhpur and Nagaur; married and issue. He died .
    • Maharaja Zorawar Singh (qv)
    • Maharajkumar Abhey Singh
  • Maharaja ZORAWAR SINGH, 13th Maharaja of Bikaner 1736/1745, born , the Thakurs of Mahajan, Bhadra and Churu rose in rebellion against the Maharaja, who successfully defeated the rebel nobles; towards the end of his reign cordial relations were established between Bikaner and Jodhpur; married Maharani Udai Kanwar, daughter of Raja Dhiraj Singh of Khandela-Junior. He died .
  • Maharaja GAJ SINGH I, 14th Maharaja of Bikaner 1745/1787, born , Sri Raj Rajeshwar Maharajadhiraj Maharaja Shiromani [cr.1752], further attacks by Jodhpur forces occurred, but were repulsed; he was granted the privilege of minting his own coin by the Mughal Emperor, Padshah Alamgir; married (amongst others), (a) daughter of Maharawal Akhai Singhji of Jaisalmer, married (b), a Princess of Jhalai, married (c), Maharani Panwariji of Jhadol in village Lavera near Ajmer, married (d), Maharani Akha Kunwar, daughter of Maharao Man Singhji III of Sirohi, and his third wife, Rani Vagehliji Rambha Devi, and had issue, 61 children but only six sons were legitimate. He died .
    • Maharaja Raj Singh II (qv)
    • Maharaja Surat Singh (by the Jhalai Princess) (qv)
    • Maharajkumar Chattar Singh, married and had issue.
      • Maharaj Dalel Singh, married and had issue.
        • Maharaj Sakat Singh, married to Chatur Kanwar, daughter of Rawal Udai Singh Rawlot of Pithla, and had issue.
          • Maharaj Shri Lall Singhji Bahadur, married (amongst others), (a) a sister of Thakur Jivraj Singh of Rori, and had issue.
            • HH Maharaja Shri Dungar Singhji (by 1st wife)(qv)
            • Rajkumar Gulab Singh
            • Maj.-Gen.HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Siromani Maharaja Sri Sir Ganga Singhji Bahadur (qv)
        • Maharaj Madan Singh, married and had issue.
          • Maharaj Sri Khet Singhji Sahib, married and had issue.
            • Col. Maharaj Sri Sir Bhairun Singhji Bahadur, born , C.S.I. [cr.1909], K.C.S.I. [cr.1916], educated at Mayo College, Ajmer, Vice President of Council, Bikaner State, Personal ADC to the Maharaja, married and had issue.
              • Maharaj Shri Ajit Singhji of Tejrasar.
        • Maharaj Kharak Singh, married and had issue.
          • Maharaj Makhan Singh, married and had issue.
            • Maharaj Jaswant Singh
            • Maharaj Jawan Singh
            • Maharaj Nahar Singh
          • Maharaj Takhat Singh
        • Maharaj Khuman Singh, married and had issue.
          • Maharaj Nathu Singh
    • Maharajkumar Ajib Singh fl.1801
    • Maharajkumar Sultan Singh fl.1801, married and had issue.
      • Maharaj Guman Singh, married and had issue.
        • Maharaj Paney Singh, married and had issue.
          • Maharaj Hamir Singh, married and had issue.
            • Maharaj Dalpat Singh
          • Maharaj Balwant Singh
          • Maharaj Jay Singh
      • Maharaj Akhay Singh, married and had issue.
        • Maharaj Dule Singh
        • Maharaj Bhim Singh
        • Maharaj Sheonath Singh
    • Maharajkumar Shyam Singh
    • Maharajkumar Davi Singh
    • Maharajkumar Khuska Singh
    • Maharajkumari (name unknown), married the Raja of Narwar.
  • Maharaja RAJ SINGH II, 15th Maharaja of Bikaner [4.4.1787] - [25.4.1787] (for 21 days only), born , married (amongst others), (a) Maharani Chandan Kanwar, daughter of Thakur Nawal Singh Bahadur of Nawalgarh, married (b), a daughter of Maharawal Akhai Singhji of Jaisalmer, and had issue. He died .
    • Maharaja Pratap Singh (qv)
    • Maharajkumar Jai Singh, married and had issue.
      • Rajkumari (name unknown), married Rao Raja Lakshman Singh, Rao Raja of Sikar.
  • Maharaja PRATAP SINGH, 16th Maharaja of Bikaner in 1787, born in , died sp 10th October 1787.
  • Maharaja SURAT SINGH, 17th Maharaja of Bikaner 1788/1828, born , married amongst others, Maharani Panwariji Sardar Kanwarji (Paat Rani), daughter of Thakur Kesri Singh Panwar of Jaitsisar and had issues. He died on .
    • Maharaja Ratan Singh (qv)
    • Maharaj Moti Singh (second son), married Rani Dip Kanwar of Udaipur, committed sati in 1825. He died .
    • Maharaj Lakshmi Singh
    • Maharaj Tikam Singh
    • Maharajkumari (name unknown), married 1839, Maharana Sardar Singhji of Udaipur.
  • Maharaja Narendra RATAN SINGH, 18th Maharaja of Bikaner 1828/1851, born , he was granted the additional title of Narendra by the Mughal Emperor, married (amongst others) 1806, Maharani Raj Kanwar, died , daughter of Thakur Ranjit Singh of Dundlod, and his first wife, Thakurani Ratan Kanwar, and had issue. He died .
    • Maharaja Sardar Singh (qv)
    • Maharaj Sher Singh
  • Maharaja Narendra SARDAR SINGH, 19th Maharaja of Bikaner 1851/1872, born , the British Government granted the Tibbi llaka/Pargana to the Maharaja in recognition of his services to it during the Mutiny of 1857, later in 1871, Maharaja Sardar Singh subscribed one Lakh of Rupees to the Mayo College at Ajmer. The Civil, Criminal and Revenue Courts were also established then at the same time, he married (amongst others) (a), 12th February 1833, Maharani Pratap Kunwari, daughter of Maharajkumar Dip Singh of Pratapgarh, married (b), 1836, a niece of the Maharaja of Rewa, married (c), 13th June 1855, the daughter of Maharaja Vinay Singhji of Alwar, and had issue. He died spl on 16th May 1872.
    • Kunwar Megh Singh (natural son)
  • HH Maharaja Narendra Shri DUNGAR SINGH, 20th Maharaja of Bikaner 1872/1887, born , married 1stly, 1876, a daughter of Maharao Pragmalji II of Kutch, married 2ndly, a daughter of the Thakur of Satasar. He died sp on 31st August 1887.
  • Maj.-Gen.HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Siromani Maharaja Sri Sir GANGA SINGHJI Bahadur, 21st Maharaja of Bikaner 1887/1943, born in Bikaner (Asoj Sudi, 10th S. 1937 = 3rd Oct. 1880), K.C.I.E. [cr.1901], K.C.S.I. [cr.1904], G.C.S.I. [cr.1911], G.C.I.E. [cr.1907], G.C.V.O. [cr.1919], G.B.E. (Mil) [cr.1921], K.C.B.(Hon)(Mil) [cr.1918], LL.D. (Hon) (Cambridge and Edinburgh), D.C.L. (Hon) (Oxford), F.R.G.S., initially educated privately, then at Mayo College, Ajmer 1889/1894. From 1895 to 1898, he was put under the guidance of Sir Brian Egerton for administrative training, learning the entire administrative work from that of Patwari to that of Prime Minister. For Military training, he was sent to Deoli in 1898 and attached to the Deoli Regiment, which had the reputation of being one of the finest Regiment in India under the command of Lt. Col. Bell. He established a Chief Court in Bikaner in , presided over by a Chief Judge who was assisted by two Judges. Bikaner was the first State in Rajasthan to take such a step. He announced the establishment of a Representative Assembly in 1913. He later established a High Court with a Chief Justice and two sub-judges by an Edict in 1922. Maharaja Ganga Singhji was again the first prince in Rajputana to have granted full charter of powers to a High Court. A life insurance and Endowment Assurance Scheme was introduced for the benefit of the employees. Also, facilities of a Saving Bank were made available to the people. He was one of the first Rulers to introduce through legislation Sharda Act by which child marriages were stopped. He was a Donat of Order of St John of Jerusalem in England, served in China in 1900, commanding the Bikaner Camel Corps (received the KCIE and medal, mentioned in despatches), served during WWI in France and Egypt (receiving the KCB, rank of Hon. Maj.-Gen., 1914 Star, Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile), awarded the Kaiser-i-Hind (Gold) Medal in 1900, has a personal gun salute of 19 granted in 1918 and a permanent local gun salute of of 19 granted in 1921, Hon. ADC to HRH Prince of Wales in 1902 and to HM in 1910, Member of the Central Recruiting Board-India 1917, represented India at Imperial War Conference 1917 and at Imperial War Cabinet and Peace Conference 1919, Chancellor of Indian Chamber of Princes 1920/26, Patron of Benares Hindu University and Sri Bharat Dharam Mahamandal, Vice President of East India Association and Royal Colonial Institute, Member of the Indian Gymkhana Club and Indian Army Temperance Association, Member of General Council of Mayo and Daly Colleges, Member of the Indian Society of Oriental Art and the Indian Society-London and the Bombay Natural History Society, first Member of the Indian Red Cross Society. He married 1stly, in July 1897, HH Maharani Vallabh Kumariji Sahiba, daughter of HH Maharawat Sir Raghunath Singhji Bahadur of Pratapgarh, she died , married 2ndly, HH Maharani Sri Ajabh Kunvar [HH Maharani Sri Bhatiyaniji Sahiba], died , daughter of Thakur Bahadur Singh of Bhikamkore, Jodhpur, and had issue. He died in Bombay (Magh Badi, 11th S. 1999).
    • Maharajkumar Ram Singhji, born , died .
    • Maharajkumari Chand Kanwar, born , died .
    • Lt.-Gen. HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri Sadul Singhji (qv)
    • Maharajkumar Sri Bijaya Singhji, born , married 26th April 1927, Maharajkumarani Manohar Kanwar of Jaisalmer, and had issue. He died .
      • Rani Jay Kunwar, born , married 20th November 1948, Raja Vijay Bushan Singh of Jashpur, and has issue.
      • HH Maharani Lakshmi Kumari, born , married 1st June 1950, HH Shri Huzur Maharaja Bhanuprakash Singhji Sahib Bahadur of Narsinghgarh, and has issue, five sons.
      • HH Maharani Dev Kunwar, born , married, 3rd May 1955, HH Maharawal Mahipal Singhji II of Dungarpur, and has issue.
    • Maharajkumar Vir Singhji, born , died .
    • HH Maharani Shiv Kumari [HH Rajmata Sahiba of Kotah], born , M.L.A. of Khanpur, District Jhalawar for one term, from 1966 to 1971, married 30th April 1930, HH Maharao Shri Bhim Singhji II of Kotah, and has issue. (Umed Bhawan Palace, Palace Road, Kota, Rajasthan, India)
  • Lt.-Gen. HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri SADUL SINGHJI Bahadur G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., C.V.O., 22nd Maharaja of Bikaner 1943/1950, born , succeeded 2nd February 1943 and was installed on the gaddi on 13th February 1943, Knight Grand Commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; he accompanied his father on important Imperial and International conferences including the peace treaty at Versailles in 1919 and the League of Nations Session; he joined the constituent assembly and played significant role in the unification of the country; he toured the Middle East War front in 1943 and visited the Sadul Light Infantry Stationed in Persia and the 49 (Bikaner) G.P.T. Company in Iraq, in November 1944, he proceeded to the Assam-Burma war theatre where the Bijay Battery was engaged in active operations against the Japanese; married 18th April 1922, HH Maharani Sudarshan Prasad Kumari, born , died , daughter of HH Maharajah Sir Venkatraman Prasad Singhji Ju Deo Bahadur of Rewah, and his second wife, the daughter of Raja Ranjit Singh of Ratlam, and had issue. He died .
    • HH Maharani Sushila Kunwariji, born , married 29th February 1940, Colonel HH 108 Sri Maharaj Adhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Ravi Kula Bushana-Mahi Mahindra Yavadarya Kula Kamaldhivakara Chattis Rajkul Singar Maharana Shri Bhagwat Singh Bahadur Hindua Suraj Hindupati, 33rd Maharana of Udaipur, and had issue. She died in Udaipur.
    • HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri Dr. Karni Singhji Bahadur (qv)
    • Maharaj Amar Singh, born , educated at Mayo College, Ajmer and at St. Stephen's College, Delhi; married 10th March 1944, Rani Manhar Kunwarba Sahiba, daughter of Kumar Shri Bhupat Singhji of Dhrangadhra, and his wife, the younger daughter of Kumar Shri Jawan Singhji of Nawanagar (and niece of the Maharaja Jam Sahib of Nawanagar), and had issue. He died .
      • Maharaj Chandra Shekhar Singh, married and has issue.
        • HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri Ravi Raj Singh Bahadur (qv)
        • Rajkumari Hemangini Kumari, (Yuvarani Hema Kumari), married 1stly, (div. 2003), Maharaj Kumar Yuvaraj Himanshu Sinhji, born , Yuvraj Sahib of Gondal, married 2ndly, 28th May 2003 (sep.'d, July 2008), Kumar Shri Ajayveersinh Ghanshyamsinhji of Mansa.
      • Maharaj Rajesh Singh, married and has issue.
        • Rajkumari Shriridhi Kumari
  • HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri Dr. KARNI SINGHJI Bahadur, 23rd Maharaja of Bikaner 1950/1988, born . His preliminary schooling was completed in Bikaner, then at St. Stephens College, Delhi, at St Xavier's College, Bombay, [BA (Hons) (History and Politics)]; at Bombay University PhD, 1964 for his thesis 'Relationship of Bikaner Royal Family with Central Authority (1465-1949)'. He was elected Member of Parliament from 1952 to 1977 Lok Sabha (Indian Parliament), served on various consultative comittees of different ministries. Recreations include.. tennis; shooting (he was a world renowned shooter, as an outstanding player, he participated in many Olympic and Asian Games in clay pigeon shooting; National Champion in clay pigeon traps and skeet for many years; represented India, clay pigeon shooting, Olympic Games: Rome, 1960, Pre-Olympics, Tokyo, 1963, Tokyo, 1964 (Captain), Mexico, 1968, Munich, 1972, Moscow, 1980 World Shooting Championships Oslo, 1961; Cairo (Captain) , 1962 (2nd in world after tie for 1st place); Wiesbaden, 1966 (Captain); Bologna, 1967; San Sebastian, Spain, 1969; Asian Shooting Championships Tokyo, 1967; Seoul, 1971 (Captain, Gold Medal); Won Clay Pigeon Welsh Grand Prix, N Wales Cup and NW England Cup, 1981; Asian Games, Tehran, 1974 (Silver Medal); Kuala Lumpur 1975 (Silver Medal)); golf; flying (qualified for private pilot's licence); cricket; mechanics; photography; oil painting. Clubs include Royal Wimbledon Golf; Clay Pigeon Shooting Assoc., Essex (Hon. Life Vice-Pres.); Willingdon Sports, Cricket Club of india, Bombay Flying, Bombay Presidency Golf, Western India Automobile Association (Bombay); Delhi Golf (Delhi); National Sports Club of India. He was an ardent supporter of Rajathani Language and pleaded for its inclusion in the 14th schedule of Indian Constitution. Awards include.. Insignia Grand Commander: Order of Vikram Star (Bikaner), Order of Sadul Star (Bikaner), Order of Star of Honour (Bikaner); Africa Star; War Medal; India Service Medal, 'Arjuna Award' for shooting sports in 1962. Member of the Asiatic Society of India and the Bombay Natural History Society, married 25th February 1944, HH Maharani Sushila Kumari, daughter of HH Rai-i-Rayan Maharawal Shri Sir Lakshman Singhji Bahadur of Dungarpur, and his second wife, HH Maharani Manhar Kunwar, and has issue, one son and two daughters. He died 6th/4th September 1988.
    • HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri Narendra Singhji Bahadur (qv)
    • Maharaj Kumari Rajyashree Kumari [née Kumari Ratja Devi], born in Bombay. She stands unrivalled in target shooting. At the age of seven she had the unique distinction of winning the National Air Rifle Championship in the under twelve years of age junior section. Furthermore, and significantly, the Princess beat all competitors in all age group in air rifle shooting and won the open championship trophy first at the age of ten and then again at the age of twelve. At the age of 14 at the All India Selection Trials held at Ahmedabad during the year 1967 she set a new All India record of 358/400 in Air Rifle Shooting by beating her nearest rival by a big margin of 33 points. She was declared "Sports Person of the year" and was awarded the much-coveted 'Arjuna Award' in 1969 when she was only 16 years old. This award is the highest acclaim that India can give to its sportsmen and sportswomen for outstanding achievement. She comes from a very long line of great shooters. At the 13th National Shooting Championship held in Madras in 1968, Princess Rajyashree Kumari at the age of 15 won all the items in which she entered and won the largest number of gold medals in shooting. When she was only 17, she established National Record scoring 92 out of 100 in Trap shooting (I.R.) at the National Shooting Championship in 1970 which is still unbeaten. National Champion in All India Ladies Clay Pigeon Trap Shooting Championships. At the National Shooting Championship at Chandigarh in 1975 the Princess on Second place in Trap Shooting, beating all male competitors, (her father Dr. Karni Singh, won first place), married 19th February 1973, Kumar Shri Mayurdhwajsinhji Jayvantsinhji Gohel, son of Kumar Shri Sir Jayvantsinhji Gohel of Palitana, and has issue, a daughter, and a son. [Personal Website]
      • Kumari Shri Anupama Kumari, born .
      • Kumar Shri Sajjansinhji Mayurdhwajsinhji Gohel, born , educated at the London School of Economics; Director of International Security for the London-based Asia-Pacific Foundation.
    • Maharaj Kumari Madhulika Kumari, born , married 10th December 1974, Yuvaraj Rajveer Sinhji, son of Thakur Sahib Bhupendra Sinhji of Malia, and his wife, Thakurani Dilhar Kumari, eldest daughter of Shrimant Raja Mahendra Singh Ju Deo of Nagod, and has issue, one son.
  • HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri NARENDRA SINGHJI Bahadur, 24th Maharaja of Bikaner 1988/2003, born , succeeded 4th September 1988, installed on the gaddi on 29th September 1988, married 27th April 1971 at New Delhi, Rajkumari Padma Kumari [HH Maharani Padma Kumari of Bikaner], born at Chamba, daughter of HH Raja Saheb Shri Lakshman Singh of Chamba, and his wife, HH Rani Devendra Kumari, and had issue, three daughters. He died at Delhi, cremated the next day at Devi Kund Sagar on the outskirts of Bikaner town.
    • Maharajkumari Dakshya Kumari, born , died in at the Apollo Hospital, Delhi.
    • Maharajkumari Siddhi Kumari, born .
    • Maharajkumari Mahima Kumari, born , married in April 1997, Sunit Sharma, and is settled in New Delhi.
      • Sannjna M Kumari, born .
  • HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharaja Sri RAVI RAJ SINGH Bahadur, 25th Maharaja of Bikaner, since the 24th October 2003. Born , formerly an executive with the ICICI Bank in Jaipur, installed as Maharaja on 24th April 2004 at Dhanni Nath Giri Math's Panach temple; married HH Maharani Shipra Kumari, daughter of the Sisodia Rawal of Dondaicha in District Dhule, Maharashtra. He died on .
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