






INR 600,000



Hindi Name


Last Updated

14th Sep, 2024

Present Head

Maharaj Shri DEVRAJ SINGH, Raja Saheb of Isarda since 5th February 1997. Born . MBA from UK.
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The estate was founded in the early 17th century, the village of Isarda lies about 108 kilometres south-east of Jaipur city. Estate holders were..
  • Thakur JHUJHAR SINGH, Thakur of Raisar fl.1600, married and had issue, the Rajawat clan, including the Thakurs of Jhalai, Ranoli and Siwar.
    • [?Kunwarani Kusum Kanwar, married Kunwar Mahesh Das of Jalore, grandson of Maharaja Udai Singh of Jodhpur, and had issue.]
  • ......
  • Thakur KOJU RAM, Thakur of Isarda, died .
  • Thakur AJIT SINGH, Thakur of Isarda fl.1761
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  • Thakur Saheb RAGHUNATH SINGH, Thakur of Isarda, married a daughter of Thakur Sardar Singh of Kerote, and had issue.
    • Thakur Saheb Pratap Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Qayam Singh [Kaim Singh], adopted by HH Maharaja Sawai Ram Singhji II of Jaipur, and succeeded there as HH Maharaja Sawai Madho Singhji II, Maharaja of Jaipur (qv)
  • Thakur Saheb PRATAP SINGH, Thakujr of Isarda -/1892, he adopted Kanwar Balwant Singh from a different branch of the Isarda family; married twice (including), Rani Pratap Kanwar, daughter of Thakur Jhujhar Singh of Geejgarh, and his second wife, Thakurani Anand Kanwar, and had adoptive issue. He died sp in or about 1892.
    • (A) Thakur Saheb Sawai Singh (qv)
  • Thakur Saheb SAWAI SINGH, Thakur of Isarda 1893/-, born , as Kanwar Balwant Singh, son of Thakur Nathu Singh of the Jagmoda Derola branch of the Isarda family, he succeeded by adoption in 1893; married Thakurani Sugan Kunwar, died , daughter of Thakur Umrao Singh of Kotla, and had issue.
    • Thakur Saheb Bahadur Singh (qv)
    • Kanwar Mor Mukut Singh, he was adopted by HH Maharaja Sawai Madho Singhji II, Maharaja Sawai of Jaipur, and succeeded there as HH Saramad-i-Rajahai Hindustan Raj Rajendra Shri Maharajadhiraj Sir Sawai Man Singhji II Bahadur, Maharaja Sawai of Jaipur (qv).
    • Maharani Gopal Kumari, married 1928 HH Sir Maharaja Mahendra Yadvendra Singh of Panna.
    • Baiji Lal Chand Kumari, married (as his second wife), Raja Udai Pratap Singhji of Katiyari, and had issue.
      • Rajkumari Sulekha Kumari, married Thakur Digvijay Pal Singh of Kotla.
    • Rani Man Kumari, married Maharaj Ajit Singhji of Jodhpur, born , died , and had issue.
  • Thakur Saheb BAHADUR SINGH, Thakur of Isarda, married twice, but died without issue, and was succeeded by his adopted son and nephew (see Jaipur).
    • (A) Maharaj Shri Jagat Singh (qv)
  • Maharaj Shri JAGAT SINGH, Raja Saheb of Isarda -/1997; born , fourth son of HH Saramad-i-Rajahai Hindustan Raj Rajendra Shri Maharajadhiraj Sir Sawai Man Singhji II Bahadur of Jaipur, and his third wife, HH Maharani Gayatri Devi; educated initially in Jaipur and briefly at the Mayo College in Ajmer, then at Harrow School, England 1963/1967; he travelled widely and became a gifted photographer whose work was published in various European magazines, he also catalogued and photographed many of the treasures of the various royal palaces; married 10th May 1978 (div. 1987), Mom Rajawongse Priyanandana Rangsit, born , daughter of HSH Prince Piyarangsit Rangsit, and his wife, HRH Princess Vibhavadi Rajani of the Royal Family of Thailand, and had issue, one son and one daughter. He died in London.
    • Raj Kumari Lalitya Kumari Singh, 3rd February 1979.
    • Raja Saheb Shri Devraj Singh (qv)
  • Maharaj Shri DEVRAJ SINGH, Raja Saheb of Isarda (see above)
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