Present Head

During the British Raj era, Morvi State was one of several princely states governed by the Jadeja dynasty of Rajputs. It was classified as an 11-gun salute state. The Royal House of Morvi representing the senior-most branch of the Jadeja Rajputs, son of Jam Ravaji Rayadhanji of Kutch. The state came into being when Kanyaji, the son Kumar Shri Ravaji, the Heir Apparent of Cutch, fled with his mother after his father's murder in 1698. He escaped from Bhuj and took immediate possession of Morvi and Kataria in Wagad. From that date, Morvi has remained an independent Jadeja principality.
Aliaji, the second son of Kanyaji, succeeded his father in 1734. Kumar Shri Ravaji, extended his domains by conquering several villages from the Jam Sahib of Nawanagar. He fortified Morvi, constructed a number of buildings, extended and beautified the town. His death in 1764 was followed by a sixty year period of almost continuous warfare and rebellion, mostly with Cutch or its allies. The restoration of peace had to wait until the assumption of British rule during the early years of the nineteenth century. However, a final settlement could not be effected until the late 1820's.
Maharaja Waghji succeeded his father as a minor in 1870. The state was placed under administration and he was sent to school at the new princes' college at Rajkot. Emerging from his minority he took charge of his state in 1879 and immediately set about developing it. A gifted administrator who modernised his state, introduced the first telephonic communications, a system of district tramways, built roads, schools and reservoirs, improved the city with bridges, public buildings and amenities, and banned money lenders in favour of state loans. He improved the old port of Vavania, enabling it to take ocean-going vessels, and constructed a modern industrial port at Naulakha. Both helped to stimulate trade, especially the local textile and salt industries. His tireless efforts were rewarded were recognised when Morvi was raised to the status of a first class state in 1887. The Thakore Sahib reigned for fifty-two years and died in .
Maharaj Lakhdhirji was just as progressive and energetic as his illustrious father, but was not entirely sympathetic with the nationalist aspirations emerging around him. He did much to beautify his capital and other towns with fine public buildings, bridges, and palaces but forbade newspapers and resisted any sort of democratic reforms. Although he dutifully signed the instrument of accession to the Dominion of India in 1947, he abdicated in favour of his eldest surviving son and heir within a year. It was left to Maharaja Mahendrasinhji, who had assisted his father in the administration for several years, to oversee the final transfer of the state and its merger into the Kathiawar Union. A gifted sportsman who was much addicted to the turf, in later life. He retired from public life and died at his English country home, Buckhurst Park, in Ascot, within three months of his father.
Maharaja Mayurdhwaj succeeded his father in 1957, and enjoyed his titular ranks and titles until the revocation of those rights by Mrs Gandhi's government in 1971. He died unmarried and without a male heir, seven years later.
- Thakore Sahib KANYAJI RAVAJI, 1st Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1697/1734, son of Jam Ravaji Rayadhanji of Kutch, married 1stly Keshar Kanwarba in Jhala family of Kotharia, 2ndly Suraj Kanwarba in Chauhan family of Vaveti, 3rdly Dhanjiba of Ganf, 4thly of Bet-Dwarka, 5thly Surajba of Wadhwan and had issue.
- Kumar Shri Tejmalji Kanyaji, married Kumari Shri Pamba Sahiba, daughter of Raj Sahib Jaswantsinhji Gajsinhji of Dhrangadhra, and his third wife, Rani Phuljiba Sahiba. He died spm.
- Thakore Sahib Aliaji Kanyaji (qv)
- Kumar Shri Bhimji Kanyaji of Gungan, with the villages of Jetpar [Machhu] and Sultanpar at Morvi.
- Kumar Shri Lakhaji Kanyaji of Lakadia, Nagdavas, Gharana, Bahadurgadh at Morvi and Manaba (Vagad) etc.
- Kumar Shri Raysangji Kanyaji of Kumbharia (Vagad).
- Thakore Sahib Modaji Kanyaji, by Suraj Kanwarba of Chauhan family, founder of Wandhia, Navagam, Vijapasar, Kumbhardi Chitrod and Malia.
- Kumar Shri Ranmalji Kanyaji of Kumbharia (Machhu) and Laliana (Vagad)
- Kumar Shri Ramsangaji Kanyaji of Jangi (Vagad).
- Thakore Sahib ALIAJI KANYAJI, 2nd Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1734/1739, married and had issues, murdered by Halaji of Padadhari.
- Thakore Sahib Ravaji Aliaji I (qv)
- Kumar Shri Jiyaji Aliaji of Modpar
- Kumar Shri Hardholji Aliaji, died younger.
- Thakore Sahib RAVAJI ALIAJI I, 3rd Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1739/1763, married and had issue.
- Thakore Sahib Panchanji Ravaji (qv)
- Thakore Sahib Waghji Ravaji I (qv)
- Kumar Shri Rayabji Ravaji of Khanpar
- Kumar Shri Ajubhai Ravaji of Mitana
- Kumar Shri Jivanji Ravaji of Lajai
- Kumar Shri Vinoji Ravaji of Sarvad
- Kumar Shri Veroji Ravaji of Deraru
- Thakore Sahib PANCHANJI RAVAJI, 4th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1763/1772
- Thakore Sahib WAGHJI RAVAJI I, 5th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1772/1783, married and had issue.
- Kumar Shri Hamirji Waghji
- Thakore Sahib Jyaji Waghji (qv)
- Kumar Shri Devaji Waghji of Sajjanpur
- Kumar Shri Mehramanji Waghji of Bela
- Thakore Sahib JYAJI WAGHJI, 6th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1783/1828, married and had issue.
- Thakore Sahib Prithirajji Jyaji (qv)
- Kumar Shri Mokadji Jyaji of Savdi
- Thakore Sahib PRITHIRAJJI JYAJI, 7th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1828/1846
- Thakore Sahib RAVAJI II PRITHIRAJJI, 8th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1846/1870, married and had issue. He died .
- HH Thakore Sahib Waghji Ravaji II (qv)
- Kumar Shri Harbhamji Ravaji, M.A., LL.B. (Cantab), educated at Rajkumar College, Rajkot and Cambridge University, barrister-at-law, Member of the Foreign Service in the Berars under the British Government, Assistant Commissioner, Civil Judge, Prime Minister of Bharatpur, married and had issue.
- Shri Ranjitsinhji Harbhamji of Mota-Khijadia
- Unknown Generations
- Kumar Shri Manudada Jadeja of Mota-Khijadia, acknowledged as the Maharaja of Morvi in 1979, by the nobles of the former Princely State, as the nearest heir of the late Maharaja.
- Generation
- Maharaj Shri Manvendrasinhji Jadeja, married and had issue.
- Kumar Shri Omkarsinhji Manvendrasinhji Jadeja of Mota-Khijadia, educated at Rajkumar College, Rajkot (1964).
- Kumar Shri Arjunsinhji Manvendrasinhji Jadeja of Mota-Khijadia, educated at Rajkumar College, Rajkot (1968).
- Rajkumari Amrapali Devi, married Kumar Shri Mayurdhwajsinhji Kishorsinhji Zala of Lakhtar, and has issue, two daughters.
- Maharaj Shri Manvendrasinhji Jadeja, married and had issue.
- Unknown Generations
- Shri Ranjitsinhji Harbhamji of Mota-Khijadia
- Shri Parbatsinhji Ravaji of Dharuvnagar
- HH Thakore Sahib WAGHJI II RAVAJI, 9th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1870/1922, born , K.C.I.E. [cr.1887], G.C.I.E. [cr.1897], educated at Rajkumar College, Rajkot; married HH Thakorani Sahiba Bajirajba of Palitana, and had issue, as well as issue by secondary wives. He died .
- HH Maharaja Shri Sir Lakhdirji Waghji Bahadur (qv)
- Kumar Shri Chandrasinhji Waghji
- Kumar Shri Shivsinhji Waghji (by a secondary wife), married Kumari Kiran Ba of Jaipur, and had issue.
- Kumar Shri Pruthvirajsinhji Shivsinhji Jadeja, married Kumari Alka Ba, daughter of Capt. Kumar Shri Raghuraj Sinhji Jhala, and his wife, Kumari Kusum Mehta, and has issue.
- Kumar Shri Mahipalsinhji Pruthvirajsinhji Jadeja [Kumar Mahipal Sinh P. Jadeja], married Kumari Nalini Kuwar Ba, daughter of Thakur Narender Singhji Rajawat of Thikana Chandroli near Jaipur, and his wife, Thakurani Puran Kuwar Ba, daughter of Balwant Singhji [Lalaji] of Jodhpur.
- Kumar Shri Pruthvirajsinhji Shivsinhji Jadeja, married Kumari Alka Ba, daughter of Capt. Kumar Shri Raghuraj Sinhji Jhala, and his wife, Kumari Kusum Mehta, and has issue.
- Kumar Shri Amarsinhji Waghji Jadeja, married Kumari Manohar Kumari, daughter of Shri Jaysinhji Rathore from Jodhpur, and had issue, three sons.
- Kumar Shri Ajitsinhji Amarsinhji Jadeja, married Kumari Gajendra Rathore of Jhabua.
- Kumar Shri Pritisinhji Amarsinhji Jadeja, married Kumari Nisha of Mumbai.
- Kumar Shri Dilipsinhji Amarsinhji Jadeja, married Kumari Seema Ba Dilip Sinh Jadeja, daughter of Kunwar Shri Narendra Sinhji Tanwar, and his wife, Kunwarani Sukanya Kumari of Kurukshetra, and has issue, one daughter.
- Kumari Yasna Ba D. Jadeja
- Kumar Shri Pratapsinhji Waghji Jadeja, married Rajkumariba Jadeja, daughter of Shri Raja Sher Singhji Rajawat of Chandroli in Jaipur State.
- Kumar Shri Rajendra Pratap Singhji Jadeja, married to Uma ba Jadeja daughter of maharaj Shri Gordhan Singhji Ranawat of Udaipur and has issues, 3 daughters.
- Shilpi R Jadeja
- Shivani R jadeja
- Shailja R Jadeja
- Kumar Shri Major Jaswant Pratap Singhji Jadeja (Saurya Chakra), married to Sangita ba Jadeja daughter of Shri. S P Srivastava and has issues, one son and a daughter.
- Aditya Jaswant Singhji Jadeja
- Saumya J Jadeja
- Kumar Shri Rajendra Pratap Singhji Jadeja, married to Uma ba Jadeja daughter of maharaj Shri Gordhan Singhji Ranawat of Udaipur and has issues, 3 daughters.
- HH Maharaja Shri Sir LAKHDHIRJI WAGHJI Bahadur, 10th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1922/1948, born , G.B.E., K.C.S.I., Maharaja [cr.1926], married (amongst others), HH HH Maharani Suraj Kunverb Sahiba, daughter of HH Maharawal Shri Mansinhji Prithvirajji of Baria, and had issue. He died .
- HH Maharaja Shri Mahendrasinhji Lakhdhirji Sahib Bahadur (qv)
- Maharajkumar Kalikakumarsinhji Lakhdhirji Jadeja of Khareda, married and had issue.
- Kunwar Shri Shaktisinhji Kalikakumarsinhji Jadeja of Khareda, educated at Rajkumar College, Rajkot (1953).
- Ranisaheb Shrimant Devyani Raje (née Jadeja), married Col. Maharaj Ashok Raje of Baroda.
- HH Maharaja Shri MAHENDRASINHJI LAKHDIRJI Sahib Bahadur, 11th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1948/1957, born , married 1stly, 27th January 1932, HH Maharani Mohini Devi, died , daughter of Lt.-Col. HH Maharana Shri Sir Vijaysinhji Chhatrasinhji Sahib of Rajpipla, married 2ndly, HH Maharani Vijaykunverba, married 3rdly, HH Maharani Sudheer Kunverba, daughter of HH Maharaja Sahib Indrasinhji Pratapsinhji of Bansda, and had issue. He died at Ascot, Berkshire, UK.
- HH Maharaja Shri Mayurdhwajsinhji Mahendrasinhji (see below)
- Maharajkumari Shrimati Draupati Devi [Meera]
- Maharajkumari Shrimati Uma Devi [Mrs. Uma Dubash] (by Maharani Vijaykunverba), married Adi Dubash, and has issue.
- Lia Dubash
- Maharajkumari Shrimati Raukshani Devi [Mrs. Maya Patroa] (by Maharani Vijaykunverba), married Roy Patroa, and has issue, one son.
- Vishal Patroa
- Maharajkumari Harshad Purna Devi [The Hon. Mrs. Browne] (by Maharani Vijaykunverba), born , married 1981, Hon. Garech Domnagh Browne of the Lords Oranmore and Browne, born .
- HH Maharaja Shri MAYURDHWAJSINHJI MAHENDRASINHJI, 12th Thakore Sahib of Morvi 1957/1978, born , died unmarried 22nd August 1978.