The Chandela or Chandel is an Indian Rajput clan found in Central India. A section of the Chandelas which was also known as Chandela Dynasty ruled much of the Bundelkhand region of central India for long periods between the 10th and the 13th centuries AD. The Chandel dynasty is famous in Indian history for Maharaja Rao Vidyadhara, who repulsed the attacks of Mahmud of Ghazni. The name of this clan is a corruption of the Sanskrit chandra, 'the moon.' The tribal legend is that their ancestor Chandra Bráhm was the son of Chandra the Moon God, by Hemaváti, the daughter of Hémráj, the parohit of the Gaharwar Rája of Benares.
Chandra Bráhm was a distinguished warrior. He took Benares, and founded the two great fortresses of Mahoba and Kalinjar in Bundelkhund, which were the principal cities of the Chandél dynasty which ruled over Bundelkhund up to the beginning of the 12th century. It had been predicted that the Chandél sovereigns would lose their property as soon as they abandoned the title of Bráhm. In 1184, Parmál Déo, the reigning Rája, discarded this affix, and was defeated and deposed by Prithiráj, the Chauhán king of Delhi. The Chauhán-Chandél war is a favourite theme for the poems of Hindu bards. A series of battles took place which lasted 18 days, in which the celebrated Banáphar heroes, Alhal and Udal, performed prodigies of valour for their Chandel overlords but without success. The Chandél army numbering 110,000 men was completely destroyed. After the capture of Mahoba the Chandéls repaired to Kalinjar, which was taken from them early in the 13th century by Kutub-ud-din Aibeg. After these defeats the remnants of the Chandél clan were scattered, and a portion fed into Oudh. A band of Chandél refugees settled at Kanouj, whence they migrated to Shiurajpur, in the Cawnpore district, at the bidding of one of the early Muhammadan Emperors. The Unao settlement was formed by colonists from Chanderi in the Dekhan in the reign of Alamgir. Up to the time of the Mutiny, the head of the clan was the Réja of Shiurajpur. The Mirzapore Chandéls are closely connected with aboriginal Seoris; the Oudh branch with aboriginal Bhárs.
The Chandéls are not found in Rajpútána. In Oudh and the North-West Provinces they number 38,000 males, and have settlements in the Shahjahanpur, Cawnpore, Benares, Mirzapur, Jaunpur, Ballia, Gorakhpur, Azémgarh, Unao, and Hardoi districts. The special divinities of the Chandél are Mahadeo and Débi. The former is worshipped by the men, and the latter by the women of the clan,
Source: Handbook on Rajputs By A. H. Bingley.
Chandel Dynasty Provinces
Name | Type | Updated |
Agori Barhar | Zamindari | 29th Jul, 2023 |
Ajabpur | Zamindari | 26th Nov, 2012 |
Bilaspur | Princely State | 3rd Sep, 2022 |
Chenani | Jagir | 16th May, 2021 |
Ghund | Zaildari | 11th Mar, 2023 |
Gidhaur | Zamindari | 19th Jan, 2025 |
Madhan | Zaildari | 12th May, 2016 |
Nalagarh | Princely State | 17th Jul, 2018 |
Ramgarh | Jagir | 11th Sep, 2018 |
Sahaspur | Zamindari | 25th Jun, 2020 |
Theog | Zaildari | 30th Jan, 2025 |
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