Rathores are a Suryavanshi Rajput clan. The clan traces its lineage back to Rama, the mythical hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana and through him back to the sun god Surya himself. Which is why the Rathores also call themselves Suryavanshi or family of the sun. The Rathores hail from the Marwar region of western Rajasthan and inhabit in the Idar state of Gujarat and also in Chhapra & Muzaffarpur district of Bihar in a very small number.
Vansh: | Suryavanshi |
Descended from: | Kannauj (Gahadvala) |
Branches: | Mertiya, Jaitawat, Sindhal, Bhadawat Udawat, Champawat, Kumpawat, Jodha, Bika, Jaitawat, Jaimalot|Patawat, Vadher, Rupawat, Balawat, chandawat, Raipalot |
Ruled in: | Kannauj, Marwar, Jangladesh, Malwa |
Princely States: |
Marwar (1226-1949) Bikaner (1488-1949) Bat-Dwarka(Gujrat) Kishangarh (1611-1949) Idar (1728-1949) Ratlam (1651-1949) Sitamau (1701-1949) Sailana (1730-1949) Kotra (1350-1755) Alirajpur (1701-1949) Manda Poonch (1596-1798) Amritpur (1857-present) |
From the story of the martial clan, the Rathores who ruled Marwar from Jodhpur till the merger of the Princely States with the Dominion of India in 1949, one must travel further back in time to the year 1194. It was in that year, thousands of miles away in eastern India that the Muslim invader, Shahabuddin Mohammed Ghori, defeated the mighty Jaichand of Kanauj. It was Jaichand's great-grandson, Sheoji, who rode out to Marwar in 1226, eager for fresh battlefields and glory all his own. And it is Sheoji's descendants who proudly bear the name, Rathore.
In 1226 the principal cities of Marwar were Mandore, today a fifteen minute drive from Jodhpur and Pali, an hour's drive south; and it was the latter, a rich commercial centre, that Sheoji first conquered. Over the decades the Rathores expanded steadily but it was only in 1395, in the reign of their twelfth ruler, Rao Chunda, that they acquired - not conquered - Mandore.
Mandore is Marwar's most historic city. Today in ruins, it was the capital of many a great dynasty. Legend has it that Ravana, the Demon King of Lanka who defied Lord Rama himself, married a princess of Mandore, his favourite queen Mandodri. In 1292 the Parihar Rajputs lost Mandore to the Khilji Sultans of Delhi and after that the city remained with the Sultanate of Delhi till 1395. In that year their Governor in Mandore, Aibak Khan, demanded fodder as well as the tax on grain, and this eventually proved to be his undoing. The Parihars, tired of this autocratic man, hatched a plan, which, in ingenuity matched the famous Trojan Horse, and in bravery far surpassed it. Five hundred Parihars smuggled themselves into the fortified city in a hundred cart-loads of grass. These carts were checked randomly and prodded with spears. Some men were pierced but they uttered not a sound and, in fact, even managed to wipe the blood off the spears as they were withdrawn. Then the Parihars fell upon the Muslims. Within an hour Mandore was once again in their hands but the victors realised that defending her was going to be an entirely different problem. It was then that someone suggested a marital alliance be arranged with the young Chunda. Thus did Mandore, the capital of Marwar, come to the Rathores in a dowry.
As the unchallenged rulers of Mandore, Sheoji's descendants were firmly established as the most powerful clan in the region. And it was left to Chunda's grandson, Rao Jodha, to secure a place for the Rathores in the annals of India by building one of her most spectacular forts and founding one of her most charming cities. The foundation of this fort was laid on 12 May 1459 by Jodha himself on rocky Bhakurcheeria, only six miles away from Mandore. Perhaps with Cheeria Nathji's curse ringing in his ears, Jodha had a young man buried alive in it to ensure the new site proved propitious. This man was Rajiya Bambi who was promised that his family and descendants would be looked after by the Rathores. It is a promise that has been honoured and Rajiya's descendants, who still live in Raj Bagh, Rajiya's Garden; the estate bequeathed to their ancestor by Jodha, continue to enjoy a special relationship with the Maharaja.
Rao Jodha's citadel, on which he spent all of nine hundred thousand rupees, was very different from what his descendant, the present Maharaja of Jodhpur, Gaj Singh II, inherited four hundred and ninety three years later in 1952. It was much smaller and of the seven gates at present only one was built by Jodha himself. As the Rathores grew more powerful, Mehrangarh, at once a reflection of their glory and the basis of their strength, expanded. Almost every ruler left his mark and herein lies the fort's unique beauty, for it is today a magnificent blend of different reigns and ages, styles and influences, compulsions and dreams. Its towering battlements, a hundred and twenty feet high, and stone walls, in places six metres thick, testify to the might of Maldev (1532-1562) in whose reign the Rathores reached the zenith of their power. The palaces, extravagant edifices of peace and prosperity, whisper a thousand secrets; stories of machiavellian intrigues, dazzling riches and royal pleasures under the Mughal umbrella (1583-1739). The main gates, Fateh Pol and Jai Pol, sing of great victories, against the Mughals in 1707 and the Jaipur forces a hundred years later; while the ramparts, fiercely brandishing Maharaja Abhaya Singh's cannons (1724-1749), proudly proclaim these victories to the world.
People gradually began to migrate to Jodhpur, the new seat of power and potential prosperity in the Thar. Like other medieval cities of consequence, Jodhpur was originally a walled city too, and Jodha's walled Jodhpur had four Pols or gates, three of which still stand, (though in poor condition). In the north was Bhagi Pol. In the south the Singh Pol, (or The Lion Gate), and in the south-east, the Bhomiaji Ki Ghati Ki Pol. The gateway to the east, the one most travelled by, was the Phoolelao Pol which is still in a fairly good state. Jodha's capital was small indeed, for these gates stand almost in the shadow of Bhakurcheeria. Today, from the newest parts of this ever expanding city, Mehrangarh is but a ghostly silhouette.
In tribute to the stability and prosperity of her founder's reign (1438-1488), Jodhpur outgrew her original walls within fifty years of his death. And in 1543 when Sher Shah, the Afghan who usurped the Mughal throne of Delhi for a few years, announced his intentions of invading Marwar, the then Rathore ruler, Rao Maldev, was compelled to complete the city's fortifications. His walls, which once again embraced Jodhpur, were twenty four thousand feet long, nine feet thick and forty feet high. He built six gates; Chand Pol, which faced west in honour of the Lunar God's ascent, was the first in that direction. The other five gates were named after the major Rathore forts they faced; Siwanchi Pol (Siwana) in the south, Jalori Pol (Jalore) in the south-east, Sojati Pol (Sojat) in the east, Mertia Pol (Merta) also in the east and Nagauri Pol (Nagaur) in the north-east. The gates and walls were simple and functional in design, the walls punctuated with platforms and towers for keeping watch and shooting.
Maldev's walls, formidable as Sher Shah found them, were not able to contain Jodhpur for long and except for Chand Pol and Mertia Pol, the other gates were shifted outwards again in the reigns of the brothers, Maharajas Abhaya Singh and Bakhta Singh (1724-1752). Today these gates stand repaired and painted, but unused because the walled section has merged with the new to make Jodhpur Rajasthan's second largest city. The walls themselves have vanished. Stone by stone they have been stripped to find their way into homes and shops and slums.
The old capital of Mandore was not entirely abandoned. Indeed, right up to 1873. Mandore is where the rulers of Marwar returned to their final rest. The Royal Cenotaphs, built in sandstone on the cremation sites, are impressive and elaborately carved, their unexpected grandeur lifting, momentarily, the tragic air of the public gardens and ruins around them. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of modern civilization, as is the old city of Mandore, it is interesting to read here that sometimes as many as eighty ladies committed Sati; immolating themselves on their husband's funeral pyre. These included not only the queens but concubines and even maids and musicians. In 1895 the royal cremation site moved to a hill within half a mile of Mehrangarh, when Maharaja Sardar Singh (1895-1911) had his father, Maharaja Jaswant Singh II cremated there, fulfilling the latter's last wishes. The Jaswant Thada Memorial is a splendid shrine in shining white marble and is visible from the fort, and indeed from most parts of the city.
With the birth of Mehrangarh and Jodhpur, the Rathores entered their Golden Age. Their conquests were prolific and the farsighted Jodha settled his brothers and sons in the new lands as the Thakurs or feudal lords. They were quickly absorbed into the social fabric of the country and all of Marwar was now ruled by the Rathore. In 1488 when Jodha died, Rathoree Raj, the Rule of the Rathores, had come of age.
Jodha was succeeded by his son Rao Satal (sixteenth Rathore chief) who ruled for only four years but is remembered as one of Marwar's greatest martyrs and a shining exemplar of Rajput chivalry. He died in 1492 rescuing a hundred and forty village maidens who had been abducted by Muslim invaders. Sadly, for it bespeaks a deterioration of martial spirit, he was the last Rathore ruler to die by the sword. Of the fifteen who preceded him nine died on the battlefield, of them six against Muslim armies; of the twenty one who followed, none.
Rathore Dynasty Tree

Raja Yashovigraha (Gahadvala Dynasty) of Kannauj (Nothern India, present day Uttar Pradesh)
Raja Mahichandra
Raja Chandradev, annexed Delhi from Pratihars, also defeated Rashtrakutas.
Raja Madanpal (1154)
Raja Govindchandra (1162)
Raja Vijaychandra
- Raja Jaichandra (1226)
Raja Vijaychandra
Raja Govindchandra (1162)
Raja Madanpal (1154)
Raja Chandradev, annexed Delhi from Pratihars, also defeated Rashtrakutas.
Raja Mahichandra
Raja JAI CHANDRARaja of Kannauj (1226), married and had issue, at least one daughter and three sons.
- Rajkumari Sanyogita, married Raja Prithviraj Chauhan-III of Ajmer and Delhi.
Rajkumar Vardayisen
- Rao Seehaji (see below)
Raja Jaipal
Raja Keshardevji (Established Jobat State on 14th January 1464 AD)
Rana Ranjit Singhji
Rana Bheem Singhji
- Rana Bhupendra Singhji (Jobat)
- Maharaja Bhawanisinghji
Rana Bheem Singhji
Rana Ranjit Singhji
Raja Krishnadev
Raja Pratapsingh (founder of Alirajpura State V.S. 1855 Chaitra Vadi Atham)
Raja Fateh Singhji
Raja Surendra Singhji
- Raja Kamalendra Singhji (Alirajpura State)
Raja Surendra Singhji
Raja Fateh Singhji
Raja Pratapsingh (founder of Alirajpura State V.S. 1855 Chaitra Vadi Atham)
Raja Keshardevji (Established Jobat State on 14th January 1464 AD)
Rao Seehaji, 1273 AD (founder of Marwar State)
- Rao Aasthaanji (see below)
- Ajay Singh - Badhela Rathores of Gujarat (Poseetaraa Gujarat Aarmad, Betdwarka)
Rao Sonag ji (Idar-Idariya Rathore, 1274-1283
Rao Abhaymal 1283-1285 Rao Ranmal 1345-1403
Rao Chawalmal 1285-1310
Rao Lunkaran 1310-1324
Rao Kehar (Harbal) 1324-1345
Rao Puja (I) 1403-1427
Rao Narayandasji 1427-1481
Rao Bhaan ji 1481-1501, 2 sons.
Rao Surajmalji 1501-1503
- Rao Raimalji 1503-1530
Rao Bheemji (usurped gaddi from Raimalji) 1509-1514
Rao Bharmalji 1514-1542
Rao Punjaji (II) 1542-1551
Rao Narayandasji (II)
Rao Beeramdevji
Rao Kalyanmalji
Rao Gajannathji
Rao Punjaji (III)
Rao Arjundasji
Rao Gopiwalji
Rao Karn Singhji
- Rao Chandra Singhji (Lost Idar on V.S. 1781 / 1725 AD) (called Raos of Pole (Thikana Pole)
Rao Karn Singhji
Rao Gopiwalji
Rao Arjundasji
Rao Punjaji (III)
Rao Gajannathji
Rao Kalyanmalji
Rao Beeramdevji
Rao Narayandasji (II)
Rao Punjaji (II) 1542-1551
Rao Bharmalji 1514-1542
Rao Surajmalji 1501-1503
Rao Bhaan ji 1481-1501, 2 sons.
Rao Narayandasji 1427-1481
Rao Puja (I) 1403-1427
Rao Kehar (Harbal) 1324-1345
Rao Lunkaran 1310-1324
Rao Chawalmal 1285-1310
Rao Abhaymal 1283-1285 Rao Ranmal 1345-1403
Rao Aasthaanji 1273-1292 AD
- Rao Doohardji (see below)
- Dhandhalji (Dhandhal Rathores of Koloomad, Guna, Keru, Salwa)
- Hardakji (Harpawat Rathores)
- Pohardji (Pohad Rathore)
- KhinpSinghji (Kheenpsa Rathore)
- Aasalji (Aasal Rathore)
- Chachigji (Chachig Rathore)
- Seendhalji (Seendhal Rathore) (Lambisa, Rodla, Pawa, Kawla, Baalaana)
- Jolooji (Joloo Rathore)
- Joraji (Jorawat Rathore)
- Oohardji (Oohad Rathore) (Korna, Tilora, Khabra, Khor, Jawaali)
- Moolooji (Mooloo Rathore)
- Rajagji
- Raankaaji (Raikwal State) (Mallarpur, Ramnagar, Aserdi Rampur)
Rao Doohardji 1292-1309 AD
- Rao Raipalji(see below)
- Khetpalji (Khetpalot)
- Behardji (Behard)
- Peethardji (Peethad)
- Jogaji (Jogawat)
- Daaloo
- Vegardji (Begad Rathore) (Soorpura, Sewala)
Rao Raipaal 1309-1313 AD
- Rao Kanpaalji (see below)
- Kotecho (Kotecha Rathore)
- Fitakji (Fitak Rathore)
- Soodaji (Suda Rathore)
- Laakhanji
- Dangeeji (Dangia Rathore)
Mohanji (Muhnot Rathore)
- Bhim (Mohniya Rathore)
- Putr (Mohnot Oswal)
- Janjhanji (Janjhaniya Rathore)
- Rajoji
- Jogoji
- Randhoji (Randha Rathore)
- Hathurdiya (Hathuria)
Rao Kanpaalji 1313-1323 AD
- Rao Jaalanseeji(see below)
- Bhimkaran
- Vijaypal
Rao Jaalanseeji 1323-1328
- Chhadaji(see below)
- Bhakharsingh
- Doongarsingh
Rao Chhadaji 1328-1344
- Rao Teedaji(see below)
- Khokharji (Khokhar Rathore)
- Vanroji (Vanar Rathore)
- Sihmalji (Sihmalot)
- Rudrapalji
- Kheepsaji
- Rao Kanhardji
- Rao Tribhuvansingh
- Udow (Udawat Rathore) (Baithvasiyan, Begardiyo, Dhunardiyo, Kanhasar, Kaatar-Bikaner)
Rao Teedaji 1344-1357
- Rao Salkha(see below)
Rao Salkhaji 1357-1374
Rawal Maleenathji (founder of Malani), nine sons.
Jagmaal, had issue, 4 sons.
Rawal Veedaji
Rawal Neesalji
Rawal Varsinghji
Rawal Hapaji, 2 sons.
Rawal Meghrajji (Jasol-Mahewa), 3 sons.
- Rawal Kallaji (Kalawat Mahecha) (Thop, Shergarh, Dehuriya, Neembri-Mewar)
- Rawal Doodaji (Doodawat Mahecha) (Jasol-Mahewa, Noharo, Padardi, Pareu, Kasubala, Sajiyali, Kaalewa, Chibi)
- Rawal Pattaji (Patawat Mahecha) (Sindari, Dakha, Kolu, Tilwada, Gol, Jagaawas, Nawsar, Gadso)
- Rawal Malaji (Dahejari)
Rawal Meghrajji (Jasol-Mahewa), 3 sons.
Rawal Hapaji, 2 sons.
Rawal Varsinghji
Rawal Neesalji
Rawal Veedaji
- Loonkaji (Barmera Rathore) (Chohtan, Loonoo, Bhurtiya, Gangasariya, Chulee, Sarlee, Uttarlai, Kapurdi, Tarataro, Rohilee, Gudisar, Chokhala, Deegada, Garal, Paaliya, Ramderiya, Hathitala, Danta, Shivkar, Kudla, Aagor, Kavaas)
- Ridmalji (Khawadiya Rathore) (Girab)
- Bharmal
- Jagpal (Pokarana Rathore) (Sakro, Loono, Khuhado, Chok, Gudhi, Jaliwado)
- Kumpaji (Kotariya Rathore)
- Mehaji (Falsundiya Rathore) (Falsoond)
- Chandrao
- Adwal (Kusamliya Rathore)
- Udeysi (Falsoondiya Rathore)
- Aradkamalji (Bahadmera Rathore) (Barmer, Chouhtan)
- Harbhooji
Jagmaal, had issue, 4 sons.
Rao Jaitmal ji (Gadh Siwana)
Rawat Hapa, had issue, two sons.
Rawat Karan
Rawat Tihno
Rawat Veeja
Rana Devidas
Rana Joga
Rana Karamsingh
- Rana Doongarsingh (Gadh Siwana)
Rana Karamsingh
Rana Joga
Rana Devidas
Rawat Veeja
Rawat Tihno
- Harbham (Dhavecha Rathore) (Dhawaa) (Paadru, Morseem, Siner, Indrani, Kundal, Naarwaadaa, Khetlaawas, Daeewo, Chainpura, Aakuwo, Aalwada, Sela, Sangno, Pardpuro/Paarpuro, Kuka Kohree, Mera/Meda, Raabta, Beechawadi, Doodwa Ek Bant, Nawaapura)
Rawat Karan
- Rawat Kheevkaran (Nagar-Rardhara) (Maalaani) (Dhookia, Jalikhera, Payla, Lolawa, Aambaliyala, Bhakharpura, Dabhoi, Banta, Padardi, Aalpura, Hameera, Dangariya, Tetrol)
- Vejal (Kelwa, Aagariya, Gangrana, Ghabar Dhoomba) - in 9th Generation from Shubhkaranji descended Shobhawat Rathore (Paal, Mordi/Mori, Padaasla, Sanwalta, Kurdi/Kudi)
- Uda
- Khetsi (Junjania Rathore)
- Aja (Bhathi Jet. Rathore)
- Jeewa (Jagecha Rathore)
- Lootha
Rawat Hapa, had issue, two sons.
- Rao Veeram ji (see below)
- Sohard (Sohar Rathore) (Mailaana)
Rawal Maleenathji (founder of Malani), nine sons.
Rao Veeramji 1374-1383, had issue five sons.
- Rao Chundaji
Devrajji (Devrajot Rathore - Setrawa, Suwaliya)
- Chaddevji (Charddevot Rathore - Gilakor, Dechu, Somesar)
- Jaisinghji (Jaisinghot Rathore)
- Beejaji
- Gogadevji (Gogade Rathore) (Ketu, Tena, Sekhala)
Rao Chundaji 1394-1423 (established Rathore state at Mandore)
- Rao Ridhmal
- Rao Kanaji (Kanawat) 1423-1424
- Rao Sataaji (Sataawat) 1424-1427
- Aradkamalji (Aradkamalot)
- Arjan (Arjanot)
- Bijaji (Bijawat)
- Harchandevi (Harchandji)
- Loombaji (Lumbawat)
- Bheemji (Bheemot)
- Sesmal (Sesmalot)
- Randhir (Randhirot)
- Poonanji (Punawat) (Khudeeyas, Joonda)
- Sivraj (Seevrajot)
- Ramdev
- Rao Kanaji (Kanawat) 1423-1424
- Rao Sataaji (Sataawat) 1424-1427
Rao Rirdhmalji 1427-1438
Akheyrajji (Bagri or Bagdi) He abdicated in favour of his younger brother.
- Jaitaji (Jaitawat Rathore) (Bagdi, Rairobado, Khokharo, Baali, Noon, Thanwalo, Doondho, Samdani)
- Kalaa (Kalawat) (Hoon, Jadhan)
- Bhada (Bhadawat) (Dechhu-Jalore, Khanbal, Guda/Gura)
- Mehrajji
- Rao Jodha
- Kandhalji (Kandhalot) (Rawatsar, Bisasar, Bilmu, Sikrodi)
Champoji (Champawat Rathore) (Kaparda)
Gopalda(Pali), had issue, 8 sons.
- Vitthaldas (Vitthaldasot Champawat) (Pokhran, Daspan, Samaadiyo, Baghawas Sirano, Santha, Peelwa, Ransigaon, Hariyadhana, Nosar, Naayala, Kanota, Goner, Geejgarh)
- Dalpat Singh - Aaidansingh (Aadanot Champawat) (Auwa, Banto, Lambiya, Royat, Bitora, Aahor, Bheswada, Kankani, Bamseen)
- Bhopatji (Khatu, Firojpur, Ramdawas, Ideeya)
- Baluji (Balludasot Champawat) (Harsolaab, Dhadiya, Dhamli, Sinlee, Bajekhan-Dhinsaraa)
- Raghavdas
- Haridas (Haridasot) (Ganthiya, Didiya)
- Hathisingh
- Khetsingh
Gopalda(Pali), had issue, 8 sons.
- Lakhoji (Lakhawat) (Raneesgaon, Auwa)
- Bala (Balawat Rathore) (Mokalsar, Baalwada, Waantu, Leelwano)
- Doongarsinghji (Doongarot Rathore)
- Bhojraj (Bhojrajot Rathore)
- Mandloji (Mandlawat Rathore) (Alaay in Bikaner state)
- Patoji (Patawat) (Chotila, Aau, Karnu, Barjaansar, Boongadi)
- Rupaji (Pupawat) (Moonjasar, Chakhu, Bhed, Udat)
- Karanaji (Karanot) (Moodi, Kanano, Samadri, Baghawas, Jhanwar, Surpura, Keetnod, Chandsma, Mudado, Jajolai)
- Sandaji (Sandawat)
- Mandoji (Mandnot) (Alaay)
- Nathuji (Nathawat) (Harkhawat) (Nathusar)
- Udaji (Udawat Rathore of Bikaner)
- Veraji (Verawat)
- Hapaji Ridhmalot (Hapawat Rathore)
- Adwaalji (Adwalot)
- Saanwar
- Jagmalji (Jagmalot)
- Sagataaji
- Goyand
- Karamchand
Akheyrajji (Bagri or Bagdi) He abdicated in favour of his younger brother.
Rao Jodhaji (1453-1489) (founder of Jodhpur), 16 sons.
- Rao Saatalji
- Rao Soojaji
- Neebaji
- Karamsee (Karamsot) (Kheenvsar, Panchodi, Naagdi, Haldhani, Dhnaree, Soyla, Aacheena, Bhojawas, Umarlai, Chataaliyo, Ustaraa, Khaari, Hareemo)
- Banveerji (Banvirot)
- Jaswantse (Jasoot Rathore)
- Koompaji
- Chandravji 1485 AD
Rao Bika 1485-1504 (founder of Bikaner Riyasat or Jangaldesh) (Bika Rathore)
- Rao Narsee 1504-1505
Rao Loonkaran 1505-1526 (Bikawat Thakurs of Kumana, Lunkaransar)
Rao Jaitsee 1526-1542
Rao Kalyanam 1542-1573
- Raja Raisingh 1573-1612, had two issue - Raja Dalpat Singh 1612-1614
Raja Soorsingh 1614-1631
Raja Karn Singh 1631-1669
Maharaja Anop Singh 1669-1698, had issue, 3 sons.
- Maharaja Saroopsingh 1698-1700
Maharaja Sujan Singh 1700-1736
- Maharaja Jorawarsingh 1736-1746
Anand Singh
Maharaja Gajsingh 1746-1787
Maharaja Rajsingh 1787
- Maharaja Pratapsingh 1787
Maharaja Suratsingh 1787-1828
Maharaja Ratansingh 1828-51
- Maharaja Sardarsingh 1851-72
Maharaja Ratansingh 1828-51
Chatra Singh
Dalel Singh
Shakti Singh
Lal Singh, two sons.
- Maharaja Doongar Singh 1872-87
Maharaja Ganga Singh 1887-1943, one of the most generous kings of the era, Ganganagar is named after him.
Maharaja Shardulsingh 1943-1950
Maharaja Karnisingh 1950-1988
- Maharaja Narendrasingh 1988 (Bikaner)
Maharaja Karnisingh 1950-1988
Maharaja Shardulsingh 1943-1950
Lal Singh, two sons.
Shakti Singh
Dalel Singh
Maharaja Rajsingh 1787
Maharaja Gajsingh 1746-1787
Maharaja Anop Singh 1669-1698, had issue, 3 sons.
Raja Karn Singh 1631-1669
Rao Kalyanam 1542-1573
Rao Jaitsee 1526-1542
- Beedo (Bidawat) (Beedasar, Jakhasar)
- Khangarji (Khangarot Rathore) (Kharia, Jaalsu)
- Bharmal (Bharmalot) (Manglya, Badgara, Khandwa B.B.(M.P.))
Rao Duda 1495-1525 (second time established Merta State, later vassal of Jodhpur)
Rao Veeramdev 1525-1544 (10 sons)
Rao Jaimal 1544-68, 5th Rao of Merta, commander of Chittor (Mewar) Army.
- Surtan (Surtanot) (Badnore-Mewar, Gadhbore, Jawlo, Gulr, Bhkhri, Rohini, Lalaano, Jaalro)
- Keshavdas (Keshavdasot) (Manaano, Badu, Chitawa, Kekind, Kalwo, Maamroli, Sabalpur, Budsu, Borawad, Barneu, Khojawas)
Goyanddas (Goyanddasot) (Bhanwata, Geri, Sarnaavado, Jaswantpura)
Raja Raghunath Singh Mertiya Rathore (Raghunathsinghot), founder of Maroth Riyasat (5 Royal Houses - Abhaypura (Jiliya), Minda, Panchota, Loonwa, Panchwa - the Panch Mahals)
- Rajkumar Roop Singh, died in a battle.
Raja Vijay Singh (Vijaysinghot) (founder of Abhaypura/Jiliya Riyasat) (Ghatwa, Lichana, Sargoth, Nawa, Jiliya/Jhiliyo/Jhille, Nagar, Devla, Parewadi, Anandpura)
Raja Sanwat Singh (founder of Sanwat Garh)
Raja Jaswant Singh
Raja Durjansal Singh
Raja Nohan Singh (founder of Nohanpura)
Raja Chand Singh
Raja Bhagwat Singh (founder of Chandpura)
Raja Bagh Singh
Raja Nahar Singh (founder of Jiliya Fort, left Maroth Fort believing it to be cursed)
Raja Sher Singh
Raja Bakhtawar Singh
Raja Bijay Singh
- Raja Indrabhan Singh (Abhaypura-Jiliya)
Raja Bijay Singh
Raja Bakhtawar Singh
Raja Sher Singh
Raja Nahar Singh (founder of Jiliya Fort, left Maroth Fort believing it to be cursed)
Raja Bagh Singh
Raja Bhagwat Singh (founder of Chandpura)
Raja Chand Singh
Raja Nohan Singh (founder of Nohanpura)
Raja Durjansal Singh
Raja Jaswant Singh
Raja Sanwat Singh (founder of Sanwat Garh)
Raja Sabal Singh (founder of Minda Riyasat)
- Raja Inder Singh (Indersinghot) (Meethri, Peeplaad, Kuni, Narayanpura)
- Thakur Sher Singh (Shersinghot) (Loonwa)
- Thakur Hati Singh (Panchota)
- Thakur Anand Singh (Panchwa)
- Thakur Kishore Singh (Kuchaman, Bhagwanpura, Palara, etc.)
- Thakur Amar Singh (Devli)
Raja Raghunath Singh Mertiya Rathore (Raghunathsinghot), founder of Maroth Riyasat (5 Royal Houses - Abhaypura (Jiliya), Minda, Panchota, Loonwa, Panchwa - the Panch Mahals)
- Madhavdas (Madhavdasot) (Dobri, Riyan/Rian, Aalniyavas/Alaniawas, Medawas/Maidas, Butati, Chui, Kotalsar, Chandaroon, Gothri, Eedwo, Bijathal)
Kalyandas (Kalyandasot) (Kherwa, Raayan, Kaalna)
- Bishandas (Bishandasot) (Borunda, Tamroli, Khor/Khod Khaas, Amarpura, Barno, Chosli)
- Ramdas
Vitthaldas (Vitthaldasot) (Nimbi Khaas, Loonsara)
- Rajkumari Mertaniji married Raja Raisal Shekhawat of Khandela second son of Rao Suja of Amarsar.
Sadul, two sons.
- Raghodasji
- Chaturbhuj (Sadulot Mertiya) (Dholi-Mewar)
Haridas, two sons.
- Aaskaran
- Surajmal
- Dwarkadas (Dwarkadasot)
- Narsinghdas
- Narayandas (Narayandasot) (Lambia)
- Shyamdas
- Mukundas (Mukundasot) (Gadhbore, Badnore, Roopaheli, Daabla, Gaanga-kheri, Karwad-Malwa)
- Ishardas (Ishardasot) (Bikawas, Sumel, Kharwi)
- Karan
- Jagmaal (Jagmaalot) (Dasano Bado, Masuda, Bhandasar, Chhapri Badi, Fatehgarh-Ajmer)
- Chanda (Chandawat) (Balunda, Kudki, Khamore-Mewar)
Bika, 2 sons.
- Ballu (Bapri)
- Bhanidas (Nimbdi)
- Prithviraj
Pratapsingh, 3 sons.
- Gopaldas (Gopinathot Mertia) (Ghanerao, Nadano Bado, Falna, Chanod Khaas, Koselav, Barkano)
- Bhagwandas
- Haridas
- Sarangde
- Maadan
Rao Jaimal 1544-68, 5th Rao of Merta, commander of Chittor (Mewar) Army.
- Raimal (Raimalot) (Ren, Raayaan, Dugor, Jaalu, Aakeli Bee)
Ratansee or Ratan Singh (Kudki)
- Rajkumari Baiji Lal Meera Bai, married son of Rana Sanga of Mewar (Udaipur), famous bhakti saint and devotee of Lord Krishna.
Rao Veeramdev 1525-1544 (10 sons)
Rao Varsingh [Bar] (Varsinghot), 1st Rao of Merta.
Seeha, 2nd Rao of Merta, later remained in exile.
Bhim Singh 1521
Keshavdas, founder of Jhabua, 1548-1607
Karan 1607-1610
Mahasingh 1610-1677
Kushaalsingh 1677-1723
Anoopsingh 1723-27
Shivsingh 1727-58
Bahadursingh 1758-1770
Bhimsingh 1770-1829
Pratapsingh 1829-1832
Ratansingh 1832-1840
Gopalsingh 1840-1895
Udaysingh 1895-
Raja Daleep Singh
Raja Ajeetsingh
- Yuvraj Narendrasingh (Jhabua Riyasat)
Raja Ajeetsingh
Raja Daleep Singh
Udaysingh 1895-
Gopalsingh 1840-1895
Ratansingh 1832-1840
Pratapsingh 1829-1832
Bhimsingh 1770-1829
Bahadursingh 1758-1770
Shivsingh 1727-58
Anoopsingh 1723-27
Kushaalsingh 1677-1723
Mahasingh 1610-1677
Karan 1607-1610
Keshavdas, founder of Jhabua, 1548-1607
Bhim Singh 1521
Ram Singh (Ramawat Rathore)
Jaswant Singh, 2 sons.
- Amar Singh (Khera)
Akheraj (Khera)
Rao Laalamsingh
Rao Hameersingh
Rao Jorawarsingh
Rao Udaisingh
Rao Brajbihari Singh
Rao Harendrakumarsingh
- Rao Manvendrasingh (Kushalgarh)
Rao Harendrakumarsingh
Rao Brajbihari Singh
Rao Udaisingh
Rao Jorawarsingh
Rao Hameersingh
Rao Laalamsingh
Jaswant Singh, 2 sons.
Ram Singh (Ramawat Rathore)
Seeha, 2nd Rao of Merta, later remained in exile.
- Shivraj (Shivrajot)
- Samant Singh
- Rao Saatalji 1489-1492
Rao Soojaji 1492-1515
Kunwar Baghaji
- Rao Gangaji
- Veeram (Baghawat Jodha) (Paharpur, Aaran, Shikarpura)
- Pratapsee (Baghawat Jodha)
- Bheem (Baghawat Jodha)
- Patsee (Jodha)
- Seengan ji
- Jaitsee
- Naraa ji (Narawat) (Bhadana, Booh)
- Sekhaji (Sekhawat/Shekhawat)
- Devidas (Devidasot)
- Udaa ji (Udawat Rathore) (Raipur, Neemaj, Raas, Dholi, Lambia, Gudwach, Palasani)
- Prayagdas (Prayagdasot)
- Sanga ji (Sangawat)
- Prithviraj
- Napa (Bhadano, Basuri, Budu, Kasooba)
Kunwar Baghaji
Rao Gangaji 1515-1532
- Rao Maldev
- Mansingh
- Verisal (Gaangawat) (Kalijal & Sali)
- Kishansingh (Gaanbhawat) (Kalijal & Sali)
- Sadulji
- Kanji
Rao Maldevji 1532-1562
Rao Ram (Ramot Jodha) Amjhera, had issue 7 sons.
- Karan
Rao Jaswant Singh I
Rao Jagannath (founder of Amjhera State)
Rao Kesrisingh
Rao Jujharsingh
Rao Jasroop, had issue, two sons.
Rao Lalsingh of Amjhera
Rao Jaswantsingh II
Rao Sawaisingh
Rao Ajitsingh
Shaheed Rao Bakhtawarsingh
Rao Raghunathsingh
Rao Laxmansingh
- Rao Kishansingh (Amjhera Riyasat in M.P.)
Rao Laxmansingh
Rao Raghunathsingh
Shaheed Rao Bakhtawarsingh
Rao Ajitsingh
Rao Sawaisingh
Rao Jaswantsingh II
Maharaj Chimansingh of Dattigaon
Maharaj Nathusingh
M. Khushaalsingh
M. Khuman Singh
M. Balwantsingh
M. Moolsingh
M. Vijaysingh
M. Dolatsingh
M. Premsingh
- Maharaj Rajwardhansingh (Dattigaon)
M. Premsingh
M. Dolatsingh
M. Vijaysingh
M. Moolsingh
M. Balwantsingh
M. Khuman Singh
M. Khushaalsingh
Maharaj Nathusingh
Rao Lalsingh of Amjhera
Rao Jasroop, had issue, two sons.
Rao Jujharsingh
Rao Kesrisingh
Rao Jagannath (founder of Amjhera State)
Rao Jaswant Singh I
- Keshavdas
- Narayan
- Bhopat
- Kalu
- Puranmal
Rao Chandrasen (Chandrasenot Jodha) 1562-1581, 3 sons.
- Rao Raisingh 1582-1583 AD
- Askaran
Ugrasen, 3 sons.
Shyamsingh, 2 sons.
Udaybhan (Thikana Bhinay), 2 sons.
- Raja Kesrisingh (Bhinai)
- Surajmal (Badanwada)
Akheraj (Devliya Kalla), 6 sons.
- Narsinghdas (Tantoti)
- Ishwardas (Devliya Kalla)
- Devidas (Badli)
- Naharsingh (Devgaon Baghera)
- Gajsingh (Kairot)
- Harisingh (Jaitpura, Jadana, Kaachriya)
Udaybhan (Thikana Bhinay), 2 sons.
Shyamsingh, 2 sons.
- Kalyandas
- Kanha
- Motaraja Udaysingh
Raimal, 2 sons.
Kaneeram, one son.
- Abheram (Abherajot) (Neebi, Hudas, Bosni, Davriyoni, Khardiyo, Dattau, Chak, Devadati)
Kalyandas, 2 sons.
Narsingh Das, 1 son.
- Kesrisingh (Kesrisinhot)(Ladnu, Sigrawat, Gorau, Ledi, Mamdoda, Toowaro, Kansumbi, Jakhada, Sanwrad, Seto, Khardiyo, Agarotiyo)
Ishwardas, 1 son.
- Biharidas (Biharidasot) (Rohisi, Bhidasari)
Narsingh Das, 1 son.
Kaneeram, one son.
- Bhan (Bhanot Jodha)
- Ratansingh (Ratanot)(Bhadrajun, Bhanwari, Bala, Beejal, Bhandelaaw, Parawa-Bikaner)
- Bhojraj (Bhojrajot)(Bhagaasni, Raabdiya, Lunawo)
- Vikramditt (Vikramayat)
- Prithviraj
- Askaran
- Gopal (Gopaldasot)
- Maheshdas (Maheshdasot)(Paatodi, Kelana, Newri, Falsoond, Sai, Seekh, Nehwaai, Naagaani)
- Tiloksi(Rabadiya, Lunawa or Lunawo)
- Likhmisi
- Jetmaal
Rao Ram (Ramot Jodha) Amjhera, had issue 7 sons.
Motaraja Uday Singhji 1583-1595
- Sawairaja Soorsingh
- Jagnath (Jagnathet) (Solasar, Morera)
- Goyand das (Goyanddasot) (Cherwa, Babro, Balaado, Khardi, Butiyaas, Achalpuro, Antroli, Badi Roiki, Khatolai)
- Bhopatsingh
- Akheraj
Jaitsingh (Jaitsinhot) (Jaitgarh, Khairwa, Nokha)
- Ratansingh (Ratanot Jodha) (Dugali Khas, Lohoto Pathana ro bas)
- Madhosingh (Madhodasot) (Juniya, Pisangan, Para, Govindgarh, Mahru)
- Mohandas (Mohandasot)
- Kiratsingh
Dalpat (Jalore)
Maheshdas ji, 2 sons.
- Kalyandas ji (Kalyandamot jodha) (Jaaljiyasar, Jobebo, Aakodadi)
Raja Ratan Singhji (1632-1658) (founder of Ratlam Riyasat), 2 sons.
Raja Ram Singh, (1658-1682), 2 sons.
- Raja Shivsingh ji 1682-1684
Raja Keshavdas ji - 1684-1695, 1701-1748.
Gajsingh ji 1748-1752
Fatehsinghji 1752-1802, 2 sons.
Rajsinghji 1802-1867
- Bhawanisinghji 1867-1855
Takhatsingh, 2 sons.
- Raja Bahadursinghji 1885-1899
Raja Shardulsinghji 1899-1900
Raja Ramsingh
Maharajkumar Raghuvirsingh
Raja Krishnasingh, 2 sons.
- Yuvraj Mrituyanjaysinghji)
- Maharajkumar Poornjay Singh (Sitamau Riyasat)
Raja Krishnasingh, 2 sons.
Maharajkumar Raghuvirsingh
Raja Ramsingh
Takhatsingh, 2 sons.
Rajsinghji 1802-1867
Fatehsinghji 1752-1802, 2 sons.
Gajsingh ji 1748-1752
Raja Chhatrasal Singhji
- Hathi Singh - Bairisal Singh (Ghamnod).
Raja Kesri Singhji
Raja Mansinghji 1716-43
Raja Prithvisingh 1743-73
Raja Paghsingh 1773-1800
Raja Parvatsingh 1800-1825
Raja Balwant Singh 1825-57
Raja Bhairawsingh 1857-1864
Raja Ranjit Singh 1864-1896
Raja Sajjan Singh 1893-1947
- Raja Lokendra Singh 1947-1948. (Ratlam Riyasat)
Raja Sajjan Singh 1893-1947
Raja Ranjit Singh 1864-1896
Raja Bhairawsingh 1857-1864
Raja Balwant Singh 1825-57
Raja Parvatsingh 1800-1825
Raja Paghsingh 1773-1800
Raja Prithvisingh 1743-73
Raja Mansinghji 1716-43
Pratap Singh (Rawti or Raoti), 2 sons.
Jai Singh 1716-57 AD (Sailana)
- Jaswant Singh 1757-1772
Ajab Singh 1772-1882
Mohkam Singh 1782-97
Laxman Singh 1797-1826
Ratan Singh 1826-1827
Nahar Singh 1827-42
Takhat Singh 1842 - 1850
Raja Dulle (Dulhe) Singh 1850-95
Raja Jaswant Singh II 1895-1916
Raja Dilip Singh 1916-___
Raja Digvijay Singh
- Raja Vikram Singh (Sailana Riyasat)
Raja Digvijay Singh
Raja Dilip Singh 1916-___
Raja Jaswant Singh II 1895-1916
Raja Dulle (Dulhe) Singh 1850-95
Takhat Singh 1842 - 1850
Nahar Singh 1827-42
Ratan Singh 1826-1827
Laxman Singh 1797-1826
Mohkam Singh 1782-97
Jai Singh 1716-57 AD (Sailana)
Raja Ram Singh, (1658-1682), 2 sons.
Maheshdas ji, 2 sons.
- Jaswant Singh
- Puranmal
Kishansingh (founder of Kishangarh Riyasat) 1609-1615 AD (Kishansinghot Rathore), 4 sons.
- Raja Sahasmal 1615-1618
- Raja Jagmaal 1618-29
Raja Roopsingh 1643-1658
Raja Mansingh 1658-1706
Raja Raj Singh 1709-48, 2 sons.
Samant Singh 1748-1764
- Sardar Singh 1755-1766 (Roopnagar or Rupnagar)
Raja Bahadur Singh 1749-62
Raja Bidad (Bidat) Singh 1762-88
Raja Pratap Singh 1988-98
Raja Kalyandas 1798-1838
Raja Mohkam Singh 1838-40
Raja Prithvi Singh
Raja Shardul Singh 1880- 1900
Maharaja Madan Singh 1900-1926
Maharaja Yagyanarayan Singh 1926-39
Maharaja Sumer Singh 1939-71
- Maharaja Vrijraj Singh (Kishangarh Riyasat)
Maharaja Sumer Singh 1939-71
Maharaja Yagyanarayan Singh 1926-39
Maharaja Madan Singh 1900-1926
Raja Shardul Singh 1880- 1900
Raja Prithvi Singh
Raja Mohkam Singh 1838-40
Raja Kalyandas 1798-1838
Raja Pratap Singh 1988-98
Raja Bidad (Bidat) Singh 1762-88
Samant Singh 1748-1764
Raja Raj Singh 1709-48, 2 sons.
Raja Mansingh 1658-1706
Raja Roopsingh 1643-1658
- Raja Hari Singh 1629-1643
- Kesodas
- Ramsingh
Shaktisingh (Sagatsinghot) (Kharwa, Bhawanikhera, Devgarh, Naasoon, Raghunathpura)
- Rao Gopalsinghji Kharwa, freedom fighter.
Sawairaja Soor Singhji 1595-1619, 2 sons.
- Maharaja Gaj Singh I (see below)
- Sabal Singh
Maharaja Gaj Singhji (I) 1619-1638, 3 sons.
Rao Amar Singh AD 1638-44 (Nagaur), 2 sons.
- Rao Rai Singh - Rao Indra Singh
Rajvi Ishwari Singh
Rajvi Anop Singh
Rajvi Anad Singh
Rajvi Karan Singh, 2 sons.
- Bakhtawar Singh (Thikana Sewa)
- Banne Singh
Rajvi Karan Singh, 2 sons.
Rajvi Anad Singh
Rajvi Anop Singh
- Maharaja Jaswant Singh I(see below)
- Achal Singh
Rao Amar Singh AD 1638-44 (Nagaur), 2 sons.
Maharaja Jaswant Singhji (I) 1638-1678
- Maharaja Ajeet Singh
- Dalthamban (Dal-thambhan)
- Jagat Singh
- Prithvi Singh
Maharaja Ajeet Singhji 1707-1724, born posthumously, saved/rescued from the brutal Emperor Aurangzeb by Durga Das Rathor, General of Marwar, brought-up secretly at Sirohi state, married and had issue 17 sons, the Ajeetsinghot clan, including Thikana Jalwana. His sons Abhai and Bakhat became the rulers of Marwar and Nagaur respectively after k. him.
- Maharaja Abhay Singh 1724-49 AD (see below)
- Maharaja Bakhat Singh 1751-1752 AD (see below)
Anand Singh (Idar second time established) 1728-42, 2 sons.
- Kishan Singh
Shiv Singh 1742-91 AD, 3 sons.
Sangram Singh 1799 Ahmed Nagar, 2 sons.
Pratap Singh
- Prithvi Singh
Karan Singh
- Maharaja Takhat Singh - (Adopted into Jodhpur family) (see below)
Pratap Singh
Bhawani Singh 1791-91
Gambhir Singh 1791-1833
Jawan Singh 1833-68
Kesari Singh 1868-1901
M. Pratap Singh 1902-1911
M. Daulat Singh 1911-31
M. Himmat Singh 1931
- M. Rajendra Singh (Idar Riyasat)
M. Himmat Singh 1931
M. Daulat Singh 1911-31
M. Pratap Singh 1902-1911
Kesari Singh 1868-1901
Jawan Singh 1833-68
Gambhir Singh 1791-1833
- Indra Singh (in Gujarat)
Sangram Singh 1799 Ahmed Nagar, 2 sons.
- Kishore Singh
- Ram Singh
- Raj Singh
- Sultan Singh
- Tej Singh
- Daulat Singh
- Jodh Singh
- Sobhag Singh
- Akhey Singh
- Roop Singh
- Jorawar Singh
- Man Singh
- Pratap Singh
- Chhatra Singh
Maharaja Abhay Singhji 1724-1749, on his name Abhaypura State was named.
- Maharaja Ram Singh
- Jorawar Singh
- Maharaja Ram Singhji 1749-1751
Maharaja Bakhat Singhji 1751-1752, younger brother of Abhai Singhji; he was ruler of Nagaur, later took Marwar also from his nephew.
- Maharaja Vijay Singh
Maharaja Vijay Singhji, 1752-1793 AD, had issue, 7 sons.
- Maharajkumar Bhom Singh
- Maharajkumar Fateh Singh
- Maharajkumar Jalam Singh
- Maharajkumar Sardar Singh
- Maharajkumar Sher Singh
Maharajkumar Guman Singh, one son.
- Maharaja Bheem Singh (see below)
- Maharajkumar Sanwat Singh
Maharaja Bheem Singhji, 1793 - 1803.
- Maharaja Man Singh
Maharaja Man Singh, 1803-1843, 3 sons.
- Maharajkumar Chhatar Singh
- Maharajkumar Prithvi Singh
- Maharajkumar Siddhan Singh
Maharaja Takhat Singhji, 1843-1873, adopted? from Idar family (see above), and had issue, 10 sons.
- Maharaja Jaswant Singh II
Maharaja Jorawar Singh
Maharaja Fateh Singh, 4 sons.
Maharaja Samrathsingh
Maharaja Amarsingh
Kunwar Gumansingh
Maharaja Tejsingh
- Kunwar Tikam Singh (Raoti)
Maharaja Tejsingh
Kunwar Gumansingh
Maharaja Amarsingh
Maharaja Indrasingh, 3 sons.
Maharaja Dansingh
- Maharaja Lalsingh
- Maharaja Bhawanisingh
- Maharaja Raghunath Singh
- Maharaja Daulat Singh
Maharaja Dansingh
Maharaja Ratansingh, 3 sons.
Maharaja Laxmansingh
Maharaja Bharatsingh
- Kunwar Brijraj Singh
Maharaja Bharatsingh
Maharaja Bannesingh, 5 sons.
- Maharaja Natwarsingh
- Maharaja Mansingh
- Maharaja Sawaisingh
- M. Tejpratapsingh
- M. Gajendrasingh
M. Mohansinghji, 5 sons.
- M. Madansingh
- M. Pratapsingh
- M. Karansingh
- M. Manoharsingh
- M. Ghanshyamsingh
Maharaja Laxmansingh
- M. Devisingh
Maharaja Samrathsingh
- Maharaja Moolsinghji (adopted by M. Balwant Singh of Dattigaon)
Maharaja Shersingh9 sons.
M. Motisingh
- M. Raghuvirsingh
M. Ridhmalsingh
- M. Himmatsingh
M. Jabbarsingh
- M. Jayendrasingh
- M. Roopsingh
M. Vijaysingh
- M. Bhoorsingh
M. Sarupsingh
- M. Sultansingh
- M. Ranjitsingh
- K. Dhirendrasingh
- M. Dhankubarsingh
M. Girwarsingh
- Kunwar Kuldeepsingh
M. Motisingh
- Maharaja Amarsinghji
- M. Naharsinghji
Maharaja Fateh Singh, 4 sons.
- Sir Pratap Singh (adopted into Idar)
- Ranjit Singh
Kishore Singh
Maharaja Arjunsingh
Maharaja Bhimsingh
Maharaja Bheru singh
- Late Kunwar Bherusingh
Maharaja Bheru singh
Maharaja Bhimsingh
Maharaja Arjunsingh
Bahadur Singh
- Jeevansingh
Bhopal3 sons.
- Daulat Singh (adopted by M. Pratapsingh of Idar)
- M. Bahadursingh
M. Dalpatsingh
- K. Suratidev Singh
- Madhosingh
Maharajadhiraj Mohabbat Singhji
- M. Bijaysingh
Maharaja Jalam Singhji (Jalam Vilas)
M. Guman Singh
M. Narpatsingh
M. Indrajitsingh, 2 sons.
- K. Divyajitsingh
- K. Abhijitsingh
M. Indrajitsingh, 2 sons.
M. Raghunathsingh
M. Harisingh
- K. Ranvijaysingh
- M. Rajvirsingh
M. Harisingh
M. Amarsingh
- M. Ajaysingh
M. Narpatsingh
- M. Bijaysingh
M. Hanut singh
- K. Prithvisingh
M. Prahladsingh
- M. Indrasingh
- M. Chandrasingh
- K. Mohansingh
M. Gajsingh
M. Devisingh
K. Surendrasingh
- Bh. Mahipalsingh
K. Surendrasingh
M. Devisingh
M. Guman Singh
- Maharaja Jaswant Singhji (II), 1873-1895
Maharaja Sardar Singhji, 1895-1911
- Maharaja Sumer Singh
- Maharajkumar Ummed Singh (Mool Singh) (qv)
Maharajadhiraj Ajit Singh (Ajit Bhawan)
Sobhag Singh Saroop Singh
- Rajkumar Ranvijay Singh
- Rajkumar Karanvijay Singh
Saroop Singh
- Maharaj Raghvendra Singh
Maharaj Suryaveer Singh
- Rajkumar Samarveer
Sobhag Singh Saroop Singh
- Maharaja Sumer Singh, 1911-1918
Maharaja Ummed Singh, 1918-1947
- Maharaja Hanuwant Singh
Maharajadhiraj Himmat Singhji
- Rajkumar Yashwant Singhji
- Rajkumar Rajendra Singhji
- Maharaja Hari Singhji
- Maharaja Devi Singhji
Maharaja Dilip Singhji
Rajkumar Veervikram Singh
- Bhanwar Aditya Singh
Rajkumar Veervikram Singh
Maharaja Hanwant Singhji, 1947-1952
- Maharaja Gaj Singh II
- Rao Raja Tutu Banna, (by Zubeida), married and had issue, a son and a daughter.
Maharaja Gaj Singhji-II, (Jodhpur) born 13 January 1948
- Yuvraj Shivraj Singhji, born 30 September 1975.
Rathores in North India
Idar State (Sabarkantha Dist and some areas of Mahesana Dist in Gujarat) was one of the largest princely states in Gujarat, was ruled by Rathores. Apart from Idar many of the Rathods had migrated to the different parts of Gujarat and one of them is Lunavada State (Currently in Panchmahals District of Gujarat.)
One of his sons, Rao Bika, with the help of his uncle Rawat Kandhal, established the town of Bikaner in 1488, in the Jangladesh region lying to the north of Marwar; that town was to become the seat of a second major Rathore kingdom. Some of these migrations from Marwar into Gujarat caused changes in language and the spelling of Rathore to Rathod, which is seen in clans present in Gujarat. Rathods of Gujarat trace their history to the city Jodhpur.
The various cadet branches of the Rathore clan gradually spread to encompass all of Marwar and later sallied abroad to found states in Central India and Gujarat. At the time of India's independence in 1947, the princely states ruled by various branches of the Rathore clan included:
- Jodhpur (Marwar): covering the present-day districts of Jodhpur, Pali, Nagaur, Barmer
- Merta City (Nagaur): Covering the present-day districts of Udaipur, kheroda, Sadri, Salumber, Chavand, Bhagor, Kurabad, Parsola
- Bikaner (Jangladesh): Covering the present-day districts of Bikaner, Churu, Ganganagar and Hanumangarh;
- Khimsar in present day between Jodhpur and Nagaur. Founded in 1523 by Rao KAramsi, The son of Rao jodha (founder of Jodhpur)
- Kishangarh in present-day Rajasthan, founded in 1611 by Raja Kishan Singh, son of Udai Singh of Marwar & balawat rathore
- Idar in present-day Gujarat, founded in 1728 or 1729.
- Valasana in present-day Gujarat.[Ta.Vadnagar,Dist.Mahesana]
- Ratlam in present-day Ratlam District of Madhya Pradesh, founded 1651.
- Jhabua in present-day Madhya Pradesh
- Sitamau in present-day Mandsaur District of Madhya Pradesh, founded 1701 by Raja Kesho Das.
- Sailana in present-day Ratlam District of Madhya Pradesh, founded in 1730 by Raja Jai Singh.
- Manda in present day uttar pradesh, direct lineage from the younger brother of Raja Jaichand of Kannauj. Former Indian Prime Minister Raja Bahadur Vishwanath Pratap Singhji was Last King of Manda.
- Alirajpur in present-day Madhya Pradesh.
- Jobat in present-day Madhya Pradesh.
- Kashipur in present day Uttarakhand.
- Basti in present day Uttar Pradesh (60 km from Ayodhaya)
- Jubbal in present day Himachal Pradesh.
- Kotra in presant day Rajastahn Barmer district founded in 1350 Rawat Jet Singh.
- Barmer in present day Barmer district of Rajasthan.
- Seraikella also spelt Seraikella, now Saraikela Kharswan district in Jharkhand
- Bari Sadri also spelt Sadri, in present day near Chittorgarh, Udaipur.
- In Chhattisgarh Rathore Rajputs are also found in Bilaspur-Janjgir, Lormi, Raigarh & Kanker.
Rathore Dynasty Provinces
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